Chapter 47

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We had neared Absalon.

The area stretched wide before us. Barren acres of land extending to the thick forests at a distance. A haphazard sign hung overhead: Ney vanetrē. Morten sayōl.

Do not entre. Death lies ahead.

A shiver worked its way down my spine and I looked all around me, taking in the faces of the travellers. We were fewer now, the ambush we'd laid on the soul eaters having taken some of us. I mentally counted ten people, plus myself eleven.

Cedric moved ahead, addressing everyone in a strong voice, "No matter what happens in there, swear that we'll see each other through to the other side! I've heard stories of the monsters crawling within and if it's anything I learned, they cannot be taken down by one man alone. We are brave and we are strong! May the gods see our paths through!"

Everyone muttered their accordance. Cedric had just opened his mouth again when a piercing sound rent the air. It came from the direction of the forest. Everyone blanched, unease immediately filling the air.

Without another word, Cedric surged forward, leaving us to do the same. Sebastian kept an easy pace, appearing unperturbed. I felt something crunch underneath the hoves of our horse and I looked down. What I saw had my stomach twisting in horror.


Human bones from the looks of it.

Sebastian wound an arm across my shoulders, pulling me to him. "Relax," he said against my ear. "I won't let anything happen to you."

My hands went around his arm and I gripped it tightly. "That's not the point," I said, tipping my head up to look at him. "Promise me you won't tell me to hide while you fight off whatever lies in there. I want to fight by your side."

The arm around me only tightened.

Others were engaged in similar frantic, desperate conversation. But once we crossed into the silent woods they all fell silent. Swords were unsheathed, throwing knives snatched out of boots.

After Sebastian took a look at the maps, he ordered we go north and soon we were nudging our horses faster, tearing through the forests.

We slowed when we came across a slippery swamp. The canopies above were so thick sunlight scarcely passed through. It was as if the forest was so dark it drained out any semblance of light.

A woman at the back spoke up angrily. "Fleeing from our own kingdom. Is this what we've been reduced to? I say we strike an alliance with the dark fey and bring them all down!"

People started to agree, their voices raising in volume. Sebastian interjected calmly, silencing them, "And what price are you ready to pay for that alliance? Your freedom? Their terms would be no better than the ones imposed on you by the soul eaters. Do recall Absalon was made by the dark fey and they're less than likely to aid a kingdom that offers no army. Let alone one that is Abberdin."

"What do you suggest then, vampire?" A man said.

"They are not averse to helping vampires. But I'll only require a portal made to Kaother. I'm in a better position to form an alliance, considering I have an army of my own. Together with theirs, we'll bear down on the soul eaters. I doubt they'd stand a chance."

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