Chapter 30

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The castle came alive all around us as we traipsed the halls. Clanks of swords and groans of men rang out from below the tower, royal maids and servants had roused to go about their daily activities, bowing and curtsying to us every now and then.

Apprehensive gazes were being slid at Sebastian.

When we'd entered into a quieter hall, I looked up from beside him. "You haven't told me what the vampires did to my people in the past."

"Why do you assume we're responsible for the feud?"

We turned a corner. "I don't know," I said with a light shrug. "Am I wrong to assume that?"


We came across the library doors. On going in, the Elder stood.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," I apologized.

"Oh, not to worry, Your highness," he said. "I haven't been here too long myself.

Soon the lessons began and Sebastian went across the room. Despite myself, my eyes strated to where he stood scanning the library's bookshelves. His fingers slowly traced the spines and a hot vision sharply rose to my mind. Of those calloused fingers slowly caressing my body, going higher and higher until they'd reached the core part of me.

"Please focus, your highness," came a mumble.

I sucked in a breath, muttering back with heating cheeks, "Forgive me."

Sebastian's eyes found mine across the room.

His dark gaze held mine. Slowly he touched a finger to his tongue and turned a page of the book he held, breaking off the stare to continue reading.

My chest expanded as I dragged in calming breaths, keeping my thighs locked together against the heat that had started to build between my legs.

The lessons progressed into late afternoon and it didn't take long before the Elder called it a day. I saw him out, closing the doors. Silence filled the room.

The sound of Sebastian's book softly hitting the table suddenly felt too loud. His velvety voice sounded. "Come, Eleanor."

My heart increased its beating. Seeming to have a mind of their own, my feet slowly drew to his direction. When I stood in front of him, I let out a sharp breath when a brawny arm reached out and circled my waist, dragging me across his lap.

My palms splayed on his chest. He looked at me openly, dark eyes roving my face hungrily. Surprise had my heart fluttering at what he said next.

"I missed you."

At length I returned quietly, "I missed you, too."

His held my chin between his fingers, pulling my face to his with the slightest pressure. We traded breaths, the heat from his large physique seeping into my clothes. I felt him harden beneath me.

His voice lowered. "Feel what you do to me."

His thumb lightly caressed the side of my face. I felt my eyes flutter close when he palmed the back of my neck. He brought our faces closer. Against my lips, he rasped, "And what will you ask for if you win?"

He referred to our game earlier. I chuckled lightly. "We won't know until I do, will we?"

Just as our lips met, a knock sounded at the door, jarring us apart.

"F*ck," he muttered, then traced to the doors, pulling them open.

Two guards stood at the other end. They made a quick bow, announcing, "His royal highness has demanded an audience."

Curiosity had my eyes widening. Dread churned in my insides suddenly. Had my father found out about I and Sebastian...?

Before he left, we exchanged a look.

Why did my father send for him?



My boots thudded against the clear marbles. Servants shrunk away as I made my way through the regal halls. The guards trailing behind me drew short once we came to stand before the cabinet doors. I was let in.

King Rolfe had his back to me.

The doors closed with a soft thud, leaving us both alone.

"You sent for me, your majesty."

It wasn't until he turned around that I saw the state he was in.

Fresh wounds marred his face. His arm hung from a cast, a noticable limp gracing his stride.

Alarm laced my voice. "What happened?"

"I was ambushed."

Heavy silence fell on the air. This could mean treason. This could mean danger.

He continued. "On my weekly patrol around the borders of Reia. I and my men were attacked by soul-eaters."

I grew pale. Robert.

"This can only mean one thing," I bit out.

"Yes," he said, already aware of my train of thought. "Eleanor isn't safe. Robert and his men have found a way into my kingdom."

Fury started to pulse low in my veins.

The king continued, "And it looks like he's come with an army. I need your help."

"Anything," I said without a beat. "Eleanor must be kept safe."

If the king noticed the protectiveness in my tone, he didn't remark on it, only let out a breath of relief.

He said, "The last sightings of his men was at Ganh Dou. I need you to take some of my men and comb through the city. I have questions and I won't have them answered until at least one of his men are taken hostage."

A sharp nod. "When do I leave?"


At the king's bidding, I was escorted out by his men. I was soon at the grand Hall, making my way out of the castle to the direction of my cottage. I stopped when I saw Eleanor walking through the gardens, her maid servants chattering away as they trailed after her.

I paused, taking a moment to steal a long look at her.

Gods. The woman was a sight.

Her red hair cascaded down in waves behind her shoulder, her plump lips pulling in a smile at something one of the servants said. Something else was said and this elicited a laugh from her.

The tinkling sound wove around my chest, sinking deep until I felt my heart patter. No one else had made me feel this way.

Because no one else had mattered.

And Robert sought to take her away from me.

My fangs grew past my lips, anger, hot and sharp, burning my insides.

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