Chapter 33

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Ethel and Seraph, two of my maidservants accompanied me to the throne room. My white mantle trailed behind me as I drew level with the grand doors.

It opened to a guard who belted out, "Princess Eleanor of Abberdin."

All eyes drew to me. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, trying to recall Violette's instructions.

Go up to the queen, curtsy, take a seat at the smaller throne by her side. Say nothing, wait for the first court admirer. Engage in light conversation. Preferably talks of the weather, modistes and food.

I was going to be bored before I knew it.

The queen was sat at the head of the room, glossy black braids piled on top her head. I beheld her for the first time.

She was stunning. Delicate black brows stood over clear green eyes, a pinched nose, full lips that were pursed. She looked down her nose at me, saying nothing.

I curtsied.

She looked away. Sending a clear message.

She did not like me. Anyone who associated with me was to be immediately blacklisted. Panic tore through me. Shit, shit, shit.

Awkwardly, I made my way over to the high chair beside her, Seraph and Ethel holding up my mantle with expressionless faces. I sat there stiffly, knowing the look on my face was anywhere between embarrassment and clear panic. Inhaling I mustered a frown, snapping open my fan in the same fashion Violette had. Slowly I passed it over my face, letting the cool air calm me.

Conversation resumed. All around me people spoke quietly, gazes flitting to me. I knew, surely, that I was the topic of most conversation happening around. The thought had my upper lip curling in a light snarl.

At length the doors opened again. In walked Ysmay. I felt a pang of relief pass through me. The guard present at the door didn't belt out an introduction, gazes never drew to her, she just sashayed in unnoticed. Her words came back to me.

To all who know me, I am queen Belladonna's spy.

She and the queen must be on good terms. How lucky.

She drew level with me, plopping down on the king's throne. My eyes widened. She snagged off a plate of grapes from one of the servants, putting one into her mouth. She offered me one. I shook my head. She shrugged, throwing it into her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked behind my fan.

"Came to see you. Is that so bad?"

"No," I said quickly. "What I mean is I haven't seen you in days and now you suddenly reappear."

Her brow rose. "I figured you needed the emotional support."

"What do you mean?"

"Your lover is gone. You're left to your own devices. Even I know you're in need of a friend."

My face flushed. "He's not my--"

"Tell that to the bite mark on your upper thigh."

I gasped, attracting a lot of stares. Ysmay side-eyed me.

"You watched," I accused.

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