003. First Contact - Principality of Qua-Toyne POV

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As announced beforehand, this time I will write about the first contact from Qua-Toyne's POV. Even though in the original WN version it only took one chapter, it seems it will take three chapters just for this scene alone...

Well then,



Day 24 Month 1 Year 1639 Central Calendar

It was a slightly windy and unusually foggy day.

Maarpatima, a wyvern rider of the Principality of Qua-Toyne, one of the small countries on the small continent floating in the Great Orient, was on patrol duty along the northeastern coast of the duchy, riding a wyvern that was his companion.

To the northeast of Qua-Toyne, there was nothing but the vast expanse of the ocean. Many adventurers had once set out to explore what lay beyond this horizon, but none had returned. So why was he patrolling in that direction? It was because of the situation surrounding the Principality.

The Qua-Toyne was a country located on a continent about half the size of Australia, known as Rodenius in this world, with two other countries besides itself: the Kingdom of Quila and the Kingdom of Louria.

Louria was the most powerful of the three, and it was a nation inhabited solely by humans. In contrast, Qua-Toyne was an agricultural nation, with about a third of its population consisting of races collectively referred to as demi-humans, including beastmen, elves, dwarves, and so on. The Kingdom of Quila was a poor country occupying most of its land with infertile soil unsuitable for farming, and likewise, about a third of its population consisted of demi-humans.

The Kingdom of Louria had a national strategy to "exterminate demi-humans, establish the reign of humans, and unify the continent of Rodenius." This meant hostility towards both Qua-Toyne and Quila. Throughout history, Qua-Toyne and Quila had supported each other against Louria.

Now, Maarpatima was patrolling at an altitude of 500 meters to guard against the Lourian naval invasion. They might send warships from that direction and launch a surprise attack, hence the need for vigilance. Though the weather had cleared considerably, there was still some fog lingering, making the sea surface hazy.

"What the heck is going on today? Fog rarely ever occurs... Strange things have been happening lately..."

Indeed, a phenomenon had occurred yesterday where the sky brightened as if it were daytime during the nighttime hours. However, it lasted only for a short while before returning to darkness. And today, there was fog. Fog was an infrequent occurrence in Qua-Toyne, happening maybe once a year at most.

While grumbling, Maarpatima tried to lower the wyvern's altitude to scrutinize the sea, aware of the danger of overlooking enemy warships. It was then that something flashed in the corner of his vision, high up in the sky.

"What's that?"

Unable to dismiss it as a figment of his imagination, he looked up at the sky. And what he saw shocked him, with his vision, boasting a clarity of 3.0 on the Japanese standard.

"Is that... a wyvern!?"

He couldn't help but exclaim. There shouldn't be anything flying in that direction where there was supposed to be no country. Normally, nothing flew in the sky except allied wyverns. This place is too far away from the Lourian wyverns' range. There were specialized ships called wyvern carriers in the three major civilized nations capable of operating wyverns at sea, but there was no information indicating that Louria possessed such ships. Naturally, his allies didn't have such ships either.

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