020. The Formation of the Thirteenth Fleet!

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A bit late, but Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for your continued support this year as well... Wait, whaaaat!? So, my fic finally received an overall rating of over 600 points and is now creeping into the top 5 overall ratings on Hameln...!?

Thank you all so much for enjoying this mishmash of topics!

The average rating dropped a bit... Seeing the low ratings, it's clear how difficult it is to create a story that appeals to everyone. However, since there are more of you who generously give high ratings, I'd like to continue on this path. Thank you to 2000 for giving a 1, to 冬だるま and 朧月琥珀 for giving an 8, シーホーク for giving a 9, and ヴェルヌイ for giving a 10!!

Especially to シーホーク, who even left a supportive comment on the Wiki... Thank you!

Also, to all of you who newly added my story to your favorites, thank you! And if you have a moment, please consider leaving a rating as well.

This time, there's a huge surprise included. Please be aware in advance.


Day 1 Month 7 Year 1639 Central Calendar

With the birth of the United Kingdom of Rodenius, numerous tasks emerged simultaneously for the country.

One of them is ascertaining the territory. However, since the total territory is already determined (only the entire Rodenius Continent), it suffices to grasp the area of each state and state borders.

Another task is the establishment of a unified currency and setting exchange rates with the former currencies of each country. This is urgent because it directly affects military salaries and the livelihoods of citizens.

Another task is grasping the population, specialties, and industrial levels of each state. This is only necessary for the former Kingdom of Louria, as Qua-Toyne and Quila have already grasped them.

Another task is resetting diplomatic relations with other countries. This is also urgent because diplomacy is crucial for survival in this world.

Another urgent task is establishing a taxation system. This is because taxes directly translate into revenue... in other words, the national budget. Without establishing how much tax revenue there is, it's impossible to allocate the national budget.

And one more task is the formation of a new military... the Rodenian Armed Forces.

. . .

The newly formed Rodenian Armed Forces will initially consist of three branches: the Army, Navy, and Air Force. It has been decided to appoint a minister as the highest authority for each branch, and under the command of Supreme Commander Yavin, Hanki of the former Qua-Toynian army, Nouka of the former Qua-Toynian navy, and Aldebaran, former commander of the 1st Wyvern Squadron of the former Lourian air force (though unable to return to active duty due to serious injuries), will assume these roles respectively.

Next, following discussions among representatives of each state, the organization and commanders of the Army were determined as follows:

- 1st Corps: Units equipped with Japanese equipment (specifically, Type 38 rifles, etc.) from the former Qua-Toynian army. Examples include the newly formed 5th Infantry Battalion. Commanded by General Nou, former commander of the Western Division of the former Qua-Toynian army.

- 2nd Corps: Units from the former Kingdom of Quila's military equipped with Japanese equipment. This includes tank units equipped with Type 89 medium tanks. Commanded by General Ihzen, who participated in the war against Louria.

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