019.1 Interlude #1: The Memoirs of Admiral Sharkun

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Alright, I was undecided, but I've decided to post the interlude first. This chapter will be a story about Sharkun, the Lourian naval commander, who became a prisoner of war in the Naval Battle of Rodenius. Since it's written in diary format, the style will be different from before.


The following is an excerpt from the journal of Sharkun, a naval commander of the Kingdom of Louria.

. . .

Day 15 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar

At last, our proud nation's fleet of 4.400 vessels has set sail for Qua-Toyne. What an incredible number. So many sailing ships that the sea surface is invisible, all departing with their white sails gleaming in the sunlight. Truly magnificent.

Their destination is the economic city of Maihark in the Principality of Qua-Toyne.

It will be easy for this fleet to destroy the Qua-Toynian demi-humans. They may send out their own fleet to intercept, but there is no way they can defeat this unprecedentedly vast armada.

I am currently writing this memoir aboard the flagship, a large sailing vessel. The surrender of Qua-Toyne, the extermination of the demi-humans, and the unification of the Rodenius Continent, all will be easy tasks. Long live the Kingdom of Louria!

. . .

Day 21 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar

...What a disaster.

Our fleet, boasting a formidable 4.400 vessels, was utterly crushed by a mere twenty or so ships from Qua-Toyne. The enemy fleet bombarded us relentlessly from beyond the range of our bows and ballistae, with powerful explosive magic. Their ships, lacking sails yet possessing speeds far swifter than our own, easily outpaced our fleet even at full sail. Furthermore, their wyverns proved to be exceptionally formidable.

Most notably, the enemy swiftly destroyed our 350 wyverns who came to reinforce us, using only about 30 wyverns and interceptors from their fleet, shooting down every last one of them. Even if all of our ships had combined forces, we could not have achieved such a feat. I keenly felt the defeat of our forces. There was an unmistakable disparity in power between us and the enemy.

As I issued the order for retreat to our remaining fleet of just a thousand ships, intending to retreat myself, our ship was sunk. Afterward, I was rescued by a small rowboat that emerged from one of the relatively smaller enemy ships that had been fighting us moments before. According to the conversation among the rowboat's crew, the name of the ship that picked me up is apparently "Yukikaze."

Presumably, as a commanding officer, I will be tortured for information, then publicly executed to boost the morale of their troops. At least, that is the norm in our country. This is truly unfortunate. It might have been easier to either retreat immediately and face execution back home, or to sink with the ship when it was destroyed, taking refuge at the bottom of the sea.

However, there was also curiosity about what kind of technology the enemy had acquired to push our vastly superior forces to this extent. I heard rumors of ancient civilization ruins somewhere on the Rodenius Continent. Did the Qua-Toynians, like the Holy Mirishial Empire, restore ancient equipment and wield it against us? Perhaps I might get a glimpse of this.

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