017. Tragedy in the Second Civilization Area

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What... is this...!? M-my recommendation letter for my own work...!? 主犯, thank you so much! I'm overjoyed! What an incredible Christmas present!

Thank you, 聖鈴, for giving an 8! Also, my favs have finally surpassed 200...! Thank you all for your continued support and readership!

Um, this time, I'd like to deliver a story from the Second Civilization Area far to the west, departing from the Rodenius Continent. As those who have read the OG might understand... it's the long-awaited showdown of the Yamato knockoff... I'm sorry, the Grade Atlastar and the unmatched might of the Gra Valkas Empire's military. Please enjoy.

18.12.24 – Regarding the number of cannons on the ship of the line, I received some feedback, so I have rewritten the relevant parts.


We're back to Day 12 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar.

On the day that war broke out between the Kingdom of Louria and the Principality of Qua-Toyne on the Rodenius Continent, in the outer reaches of the Third Civilization Area, a minor incident also occurred in the Second Civilization Area, 20.000 kilometers away. The incident itself might not have been significant; it was, in a sense, just a murder case. However, it would later become a profoundly impactful event worldwide. Before delving into the details of this event, let's first explain what the Second Civilization Area is.

The Second Civilization Area refers to a collection of nations with territories on the Mu Continent and its surrounding seas. Roughly half of this continent is dominated by Mu, the second of the world's five superpowers, situated in the northeast. The remaining western and southern portions of Mu are divided among other nations like the Nigrat Union and the Magicaraich Community. Among these nations is the fifth-ranking of the superpowers, Leifor, located on the western coast of the continent.

Furthermore, westward from the continent lies Paganda Island, about 500 kilometers off the coast of Leifor. There lies the Kingdom of Paganda, a state thriving as a trading hub between the Second Civilization Area and the western archipelagic nations. It also held the position of the foremost protectorate under the Leiforian hegemony. Thus, it enjoyed the benefits of protection from invasion by other countries and access to technology from a superpower, positioning itself in a very favorable position. However, this prosperity came with a downside: a tendency among its citizens and royalty to look down upon other nations, especially those outside the civilization areas.

. . .

Here, in the diplomatic office of the Kingdom of Paganda, Douglas, a member of the royal family and the head of diplomacy, sits comfortably in a splendid chair, attending to his duties. Being of royal blood in Paganda, Douglas holds a significant connection with Leifor.

Then, a knock on the door interrupted his moment.

"Come in!"

Douglas called out, and Martha, one of the receptionists at the diplomatic office, entered with documents in hand, saying, "Excuse me, Director."

"Sir, representatives from a state from outside the civilization areas wish to speak with you. They express their desire to establish diplomatic relations with Leifor and our nation, ultimately aiming for relations with the entire Second Civilization Area."

As Martha spoke, she handed the documents to Douglas, who reviewed them while listening to her report.

"The party seeking dialogue is from a nation called the Gra Valkas Empire. I handled their initial contact. They claim to have come from the west, suggesting they might be a fledgling nation. It seems they first attempted negotiations with the Kingdom of Parus directly, seeking diplomatic ties. Naturally, Parus redirected them to Leifor. After being turned away by Leifor, they have finally come to us. It appears they lack an understanding of the norms of the Second Civilization Area."

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