Part 2: Storm Brewing in Another World | 016

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The End of War, the Beginning of Hardship


192 favorites...?

But the average rating has dropped to 7,37... Hmm, maybe I overdid it with the Banzai Charge and such. Making a universally appealing work is difficult, isn't it?

Thank you to ruriruidayo for giving a 2, to クルンパ for giving a 5, to 主犯 for giving a 7, and to 普通の一般人 for giving a 9! Also, thank you so much to everyone who added it to their favorites.

Now begins the new part, "Storm Brewing in Another World." I'll do my best to write what happens to the fate of the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage!


Day 8 Month 5 Year 1639 Central Calendar, 07:00

Qua-Toyne, Principality of Qua-Toyne

Since the recapture of Gim was reported in the newspapers, the citizens of the capital eagerly awaited the daily newspapers and magical broadcasts (equivalent to radio broadcasts in modern-day Japan since they lacked visuals), getting excited with each new piece of news. Especially anticipated were the bulletins issued by the Qua-Toynian Military Affairs Department, including reports from Tawi-Tawi Anchorage, known as "Supreme Headquarters' Announcement." Furthermore, "Aoba News," the official newspaper of the Military Affairs Department, flew off the shelves as soon as it was released.

Today, the citizens once again waited for the newspaper vendor. However, their eyes, bloodshot and predatory, betrayed their excitement. Their breath was heavy with anticipation, resembling the atmosphere of a festival or something similar, with people having been noisy all night. Late last night, a broadcast announced, "Tomorrow at 07:00, a significant announcement will be made. Newspapers will be distributed simultaneously, so please await the details of the announcement there." This sparked discussions about what the announcement could possibly be. Some eager citizens speculated, "Did we defeat the Lourians?" This speculation spread rapidly through the city, leading to the citizens staying up all night in excitement even before any official announcement was made.


"Extra! Extra!"

The eagerly awaited voice of the newspaper vendor could be heard, sounding excited.

"The war is over! Louria suffered a major defeat! It's our victory!"

Upon hearing the newspaper vendor's voice, the citizens erupted in jubilation. Everyone rushed to the newspaper vendor, paying for their copy and eagerly scanning the pages. Those who missed out crowded around those who managed to buy, jostling to catch a glimpse of the news.

"The Kingdom of Louria Completely Surrenders"

"War Ends, Victory for Qua-Toyne and Quila"

Such headlines were boldly written in the newspaper, followed by the views of the Qua-Toynian government. But for the citizens, the headlines were enough.


Cheers erupted.


Everyone cheered, and the streets were filled with jubilant voices. Amidst the crowd, the news was also blaring from the magical devices outside shops.

"The Principality government announced earlier today that the war with the Kingdom of Louria has ended, with victories for the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila. While our army has suffered losses, it is estimated that Louria's casualties reached approximately 600.000, and the Lourian forces deployed in the capital have already been disarmed. Though unconfirmed, there are reports of the capture of the King of Louria, and further details are awaited. Our troops deployed to the Kingdom of Louria have begun returning, with some expected to triumphantly return to the capital as early as tomorrow afternoon."

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