019.2 Interlude #2: Tawi-Tawi's New Shipgirl

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The story goes back to early Month 6 of Year 1639 Central Calendar.

Just as the war between the coalition of the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila (actually three, with the addition of the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage of the State of Japan) and the Kingdom of Louria had concluded on the Rodenius Continent, everyone was busy with the aftermath. There were many eyes watching from the lofty heights of the sky. Yes, it was the gods residing in the divine realm.

"That young lad is quite impressive, isn't he?"

"Yes, just as I anticipated."

Inside a white building reminiscent of the Parthenon in Greece, the gods were having a meeting. A muscular, youthful-looking male god commented on the situation of the Rodenius Continent displayed in front of him. The white-haired old god serving as the chairman responded to it in satisfaction.

"Everyone, I believe you've witnessed the valiant efforts of the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage we transferred. Moreover, it seems they have started utilizing the items we sent. However, regarding that 'legendary thing,' it seems it will take some time to fully harness its capabilities."

Several nodded in agreement to the chairman's words.

"However, there's one issue."

The goddess of fertility, holding ears of grain, asked in continuation of the chairman's words.

"Another issue? What might that be?"

"Yes, that is..."

The chairman paused for a moment. The tension rose, with some even audibly swallowing saliva.


"They can't refine white sugar."

Upon the chairman's words, everyone reacted dramatically.

"Wait, what? Isn't it just sugar? Why is the inability to produce white sugar a problem?" A chubby middle-aged god asked with genuine curiosity.

"It seems you don't understand the horror of the shipgirls. Shipgirls are not only warships but also beings akin to humans. Thus, they accumulate stress just like humans. And in that world, electricity is scarce, and even if there were, there's no television for entertainment. So, even if there were televisions, they wouldn't be of any use. In such a world, the most efficient way for shipgirls to relieve stress is, indeed, sweet things."

The old god paused for a moment, realizing he might have spoken too much.

"However, that young lad, unfortunately, cannot refine white sugar despite having sugarcane. He attempted it once, but it ended in a spectacular failure. And even now, though he's trying to figure it out and somehow managed to produce white sugar, unfortunately, it's unstable and of poor quality. If this continues, there might be a rebellion among the shipgirls. If that happens, all our support so far might go to waste."

"What should we do then!?"

The young male god who spoke first clenched his fist and exclaimed.

"Don't rush, young one. How much divine power is available for teleportation right now?"

The old god asked the goddess of fertility.

"As of yesterday, my sister said that her divine power is gradually recovering. At this moment, she can send something as big as an island, like the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage."

"I see. Then, would you mind doing me a favor?"

"What are you going to send?" the goddess asked, and the old god answered with a grin.

"My custom shipgirl."


Now, let's return the stage of the story to the surface.

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