007. The Impact of the Naval Battle

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52 favorites!? Thank you everyone! This motivates me... I'll do my best to keep writing!

Once again, I'd like to reiterate that I have only seen the WN version. Therefore, those of you who are reading the LN or manga may feel some discrepancies, but please understand.

In this chapter, there will be no action.


Day 21 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar, 08:00

Wyvern Operations Headquarters, Kingdom of Louria

"This is Wyvern Unit! We've lost allies, not even 10 mounts remain! What kind of enemy attack was that!? Ah, AAAAH—"

With a cry of terror, the magical transmission abruptly ceased, leaving nothing but silence. The operators and the commander of the Wyvern Operations Unit, all turned pale upon hearing it.

The Wyvern Unit, consisting of 350 mounts, had been dispatched with absolute confidence in their victory, outnumbering the Qua-Toynian wyverns, if not in quality then certainly in quantity. The commander had ordered a full-force attack with all 350 mounts. Thus, the Wyvern Unit set out, expected to achieve glorious victories to be remembered in history upon their return.

However, awaiting them on the battlefield was a fate more horrible than anyone could have anticipated. Within two minutes of the transmission reporting an encounter with 30 enemy wyverns and engagement in combat, another transmission arrived bearing unthinkable news: "Loss of over 60 mounts from the Wyvern Unit, no damage to the enemy. Enemy wyverns' capabilities surpass ours." Following that was the message, "Enemy fleet spotted, presumed main force. Remaining Wyvern Unit of 120 mounts, preparing for assault." And then, the initial distress call.

Before the silent manacomm, everyone stood mute. The worst-case scenarios flashed through their minds.

Could it be... total annihilation?

In the history of Rodenius, wyverns were the mightiest creatures. Yet, their rarity made them precious, difficult to amass in numbers, and costly to obtain. Out of the 500 wyverns prepared for this occasion, around 150 were gathered by the Kingdom of Louria on its own, while the remaining 350 were acquired through military assistance from the Parpaldia Empire. Even so, it took six years to assemble this number. With overwhelming firepower, victory should have been assured.

Yet, given the transmissions received, the Wyvern Unit must have faced attacks beyond imagination, possibly... though they dreaded to think it... leading to total annihilation. They mentioned not even 10 mounts remaining. How should they report this to the King? They were at a loss.

'Even if it's just one mount. Please, come back...!'

The unit commander, clinging to hope like a drowning man to a straw, continued to pray for the Wyvern Unit's return.

...But reality was merciless, and as the sun set, not a single wyvern returned. With a heavy heart like never before, the Wyvern Operations Unit commander would have to report to the King of Louria.


Day 23 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar, 09:00

Qua-Toyne, capital of the Principality of Qua-Toyne

In the usual conference room for political councils, the usual members along with Sakai gathered and took their seats. Standing before them as a special witness, Brueye delivered his report. Documents detailing the results of the naval battle two days ago, Brueye's observations, the current situation of the Lourian forces, and future enemy projections and strategic plans were distributed to the seated members.

The Naval District Has Been Summoned to Another World. Starting DeploymentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin