019. Birth!! The United Kingdom of Rodenius!

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And before I knew it, the overall rating had risen to 7th place within Hameln...! Well then, let's aim for the top 5 a little bit...!

Thank you all for your continued support! By the way, I would appreciate it if you could also click on the evaluation.

This might be the last post of the year for either this chapter or the next one.

Well then, please enjoy at your leisure!


Day 3 Month 6 Year 1639 Central Calendar

The proposal to transition the political form of the Principality of Qua-Toyne from a civil government to a monarchy, which had been discussed for some time, was approved at the political committee meeting. A week later, on Day 10 Month 6, it will finally be put to a national referendum.

The news was reported daily in the Imperial Headquarters' Announcement, and the citizens of the Principality couldn't avoid hearing about it. Even the Aoba News in the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage was reporting on this topic, making it the centerpiece of their articles. According to them, it seems the noble ducal family, who had been managing the politics of the principality until now, intends to retire and abandon governance. In accordance with that, the proposal for transitioning to a monarchy has been made.

"Monarchy... but isn't this more like a constitutional monarchy with democracy?" Sakai commented upon hearing this from Yamato.

A closer look at the draft revealed that in addition to "shifting the form of government to a monarchy," it also states that "the monarch shall be a person trusted by the people" and that "even the monarch shall obey the supreme law of the country." This is more like a constitutional monarchy with democracy.

In fact, the cause of this seemed to be the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage. It seems the Admiral before Sakai was quite fond of books, and there are numerous collections in the base. Moreover, the genres are quite diverse. The shipgirls and fairies in the port jokingly refer to it as the "Tawi Library." Not long ago, one of the government's high officials borrowed a book related to political forms from the Tawi Library. Afterward, the draft was significantly rewritten to include these contents. It's quite clear that the book was the cause. And, tracing it further back, it all leads to the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage being the cause.

"Well, well. Personally, I believe even democracy at its worst is better than the best autocracy or totalitarianism, so I'm in favor of this content," Sakai expressed his opinion.

. . .

And so, time flew by, and it was Day 10 Month 6 Year 1639 Central Calendar. The day was bustling with activity all over the Principality. From the capital Qua-Toyne to the economic hub Maihark, from the fortress city Ejei to the emerging heavy industry city Qua-Tawi, citizens aged 20 and above, regardless of gender, visited the polling stations to cast their votes. Of course, Sakai also managed to cast his affirmative vote amidst his busy schedule.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and as the shadow of the Ejei Mountain fell over the land of Qua-Toyne, the sun had set. Then, on Day 11 Month 6, with the government having announced the night before that there would be a "major announcement" at 07:00, many citizens, despite going about their daily chores like housewives or preparing for work, listened to the morning news attentively. Even Sakai, who was usually prone to oversleeping, was woken up by Yamato and found himself listening to the news with a lingering drowsiness.

"The Principality Government has an important announcement to make. The results of yesterday's national referendum on transitioning to a monarchy are as follows: 74% in favor, 16% against, and 10% abstained. Therefore, the Principality of Qua-Toyne has decided to transition to a monarchy."

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