Dadda's Birthday ✨

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Smuts h 💀👌🏻

It was midnight, and Shubman lay in bed, tired after a long day of training. He wasn't fully asleep, just resting with his eyes closed. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Sara entered the room with their 10-month-old daughter, Sana, in her arms.

"Shh, Sana," Sara whispered, trying not to wake Shubman. "Look, it's Dadda's special day."

Sana's eyes widened with excitement as Sara carried her closer to the bed. Shubman stirred, sensing something was happening.

"Surprise, Dadda!" Sara said softly, holding a small cake with lit candles.

Shubman's tiredness vanished as he sat up, a big smile spreading across his face. "What's all this?" he asked, feeling pleasantly surprised. Sana jumped in his arms and sat on his lap!

"It's your first birthday as a father ," Sara explained, her voice filled with warmth. "We couldn't go without celebrating it ."

Shubman's heart swelled with love for his wife and daughter.

Sara placed the cake on the bedside table and sat beside Shubman. "Make a wish," she said, handing him a candle.

Shubman closed his eyes, making a silent wish for happiness and health for his family. Blowing out the candle, he opened his eyes to see Sana clapping her hands in excitement.

"Dadda!" Sana babbled, reaching out towards him.

Shubman chuckled, reaching out to tickle Sana gently. "Yes, Sana, it's my birthday," he replied, feeling so happy.

Sana giggled, her eyes sparkling with innocence.

"We love you" Sara said, her voice filled with affection.

Shubman cut the cake !He offered Sana the first bite who was sitting on his lap ! Sana bited into the cake making the mouth area of her face full with the cream! She also took some creme from the cake onto her tiny finger !
Suddenly, with a mischievous gleam in her eye, Sana turned towards her mumma and playfully dabbed a bit of frosting on Sara's cheek.

Sara frowned chuckling . "Oh heyy! Why are you putting cake on Mumma's face? It's not my birthday!"

Sara pretended to scold Sana, but her eyes twinkled with amusement. "You little troublemaker! But I can't be mad at that sweet face."

Shubman joined in the playful banter. "That's right ,also I won't let you scold my angel okayy!!."

Not wanting to miss out, Sana then turned towards her dad, her finger poised with frosting, and planted a sticky kiss on Shubman's cheek.

Shubman feigned surprise, his face lighting up with joy. "Oh, no! I've been attacked by a cake monster!"

Sara burst into laughter at the adorable sight. "You two are something else!"

As they enjoyed the cake together, Shubman felt a surge of happiness. He leaned over and kissed Sara on the lips.

But little Sana, protective and innocent, pushed Sara's face lightly and hugged Shubman tightly, burying her face in his neck.

Sara playfully widened her mouth in surprise, and Shubman burst out laughing.

"You're Dadda's  little guardian, aren't you?" Sara teased, tickling Sana gently.

Sana giggled again, peeking out from Shubman's embrace.

Sara handed Shubman a beautifully wrapped box containing brand new watches and perfumes, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Shubsara One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin