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"Su Jin meets the owner of the necklace"

Side story

"Where did you go, Su Jin?" Minister Kim said. "I'm so worried about you, you know your Condition,  right? " He added.  Su Jin make a bow and pay respect to his grandfather but she walk passed through him and continue her walk towards to her room. Minister Kim look at his granddaughter as he slightly tilt his head. "Hye rin, what happened? She look so sad? " He asked. "Nothing... Minister Kim.. She's tired I think. " Hye rin replied but she knew the exact reason why Su Jin act that way.

Su Jin sit on her bed and recalled her conversation between Woo Sung. They meet again after Woo Sung send her in her house that day.


"Stop liking me... Lady Su Jin.. " Woo Sung said. "Waeyo?" She asked. "I don't want you to get hurt so please stop and I think much better if this is the last time that we see each other." He said. "Woo Sung, can you just like me? Waeyo? Am I not pretty enough for you? I can love you as much as you wanted.. I swear I will be the best girlfriend for you.. " She said. Woo Sung look at her. "Is not the reason.." He said. "Then what is it?" She asked. "I... I couldn't give you my heart because..." He said but he stop and think if it's okay to tell her about it, that he still inlove to Eon Jin and he will return to the palace because Tae Pyung wrote a letter and told him that he needs his help. Su Jin let out a small smile trying to hide her pain. "It is because of her, the owner of the necklace? "She asked. Woo Sung look away. Su Jin control her tears when she confirm it base on her reaction. "The Crown Princess is already happy to her prince... Can you forget about her?" She said. Woo Sung got shocked that Su Jin knew her. "You knew it?" He asked. Su Jin nodded. "I have my source.." She said.

Su Jin hold his hand. "I don't know what's the real score between the two of you but.. You can use me to get over her..." She said. Woo Sung pull his hand. "Yah! Did you hear what you're saying?" He said. He turn around and about to leave when Su Jin speak again. "Please... Even for just once, can you open your heart for me and let me show you how valuable you are... Let me love you and heal you..." She said. Woo Sung let out a deep sigh. "I pretend not that I didn't  hear it... Please forget about me, Lady Su Jin. I can't give you the love what you wanted,  I'm sorry." He said.

End of flashback

Su jin wipe her tears when she feel that her grandfather went inside to her room. "Are you okay? " He asked. Su Jin let out a force smile as she nodded. "Take a rest.." He said.

"Halabeoji..." She called when Minister Kim is about to leave. "Yes.. " He said. "I'm willing to take the position as Princess So Hee's tutor." She said. Minister Kim got shocked, "all of the sudden? Waeyo? You said, you don't want to work in the palace." He said. "Now I want to...  Can I? " She asked.

'I want to meet Princess Eon Jin and know why Woo Sung can't get over her and why she needs to hurt him like that.. 'In Sujin's mind.


Present days

Eon Jin laughters filled the entire place as she playing with Princess So Hee and her son. "Your Highness be careful.. " She said when So Hee run near the pond. Prince Alkong's dimples appear whenever he smile just like his father. So Hee laugh when Eon Jin couldn't reach her. Wol Sook is standing in one corner to watch Prince Alkong who is lying in his traditional stroller.

I got you!" Eon Jin said and tickles Princess So Hee. They stop when someone approach them. "Good morning to the two beautiful princess." Lei said. Eon Jin stood up and fix her hanbok. "Good morning. " She said. "Are you our guest from the other country, Mister?" Princess So Hee asked. Lei smile as he nodded. "You're handsome just like the Crown Prince.. " So Hee said. "Am I right, Eonnie?" She said and look to Eon Jin. Lei let out a small laugh and look to Eon Jin. Eon Jin smile and pinch Princess So Hee on her nose. "Yes he is.. But my husband is more handsome than him." She said. And they both laugh but Lei's smile faded.

"Princess So Hee... We need to prepare right now. Your tutor will be here any minute. " The royal court lady of So Hee said. "Eonnie.. I have to go.. See you later. " She said and wave her hand. Eon Jin smile as she's waving her hand to So Hee.

Lei is still looking at her. "You're pretty when you smile,  Crown Princess." He said. Eon jin look at him and let out a small smile. "Thank you.." She said. And she was about to leave when Lei speak.

"Are you leaving already? I want to look around here in the palace,  if you don't mind... Can you accompany me?" He said. Eon Jin look at him. "I'll tell to Chief Eunuch Chi Su about that.  He's the right person to accompany you. He's been living here in the palace since his childhood days." She said. "I'll take my leave now, Young Master Lei. Enjoy your stay here." She said and walk towards to her son.

Lei clench his fist while looking at her. "You too,  Princess... Enjoy your stay here before you leave the palace." He said.


At the western border

"Make sure that General Son and the Crown Prince are safe while we heading back to the palace." Il Woo shouted. "Yes...Commander Il Woo." The soldiers said. 

Tae Pyung ride on his horse,  he's on the middle between Il Woo and Man Bok. General Son is on the palanquin with Joo Meok on his horse at the side. All the soldiers surrounds them and the other was left to help the other soldiers to protect the western border. 

"Your Royal Highness..." Il Woo called him. "Yes.. Commander Il Woo."He replied. "Get ready your sword... This area is where they assasinate us. We need to get ready." He said. Tae Pyung get ready on his sword and all of them are all attentive and observing the place. They heard some noise at the east side and all of them ready their swords and bows.

Tae Pyung put up his one hand to stop them when he saw Woo Sung with his horse. "Minister Woo Sung..." Il Woo Said. They all show him respect excluding the Crown Prince. "Am I late?" Woo Sung said. Tae Pyung smile, "No... I'm happy to see you, hyung.." He said. Woo Sung smile. Man Bok join Joo Meok at the side of the palanquin while Woo Sung stays on Tae Pyung's side.

"Are you ready to go back to the palace, Hyung?" Tae Pyung asked. Woo Sung let out a deep sigh. He still has a linger feelings to the Crown Princess but he needs her. He learn that his father is plotting something that's why he decide to return to the palace aside from Tae Pyung's letter to him. "Yes... I promise to Princess Eon Jin that I'll be Prince Alkong's protector..." He said. Tae Pyung smile while looking at him. 

Meanwhile at the palace

Su Jin went outside from her palanquin. She was amazed by how huge and beautiful the palace is. "Woah.. I didn't expect that this place is so nice and pretty." She said.  Lady Choi approach her. "Are you Lady Kim Su Jin,  the granddaughter of Minister Kim of Agriculture? " She asked. Su Jin smile and make a bow. "Yes I Am.." She said. "Please follow me the Queen wants to see you.." Lady Choi said. Su Jin follow her. 

In the middle of their walk they stop and she see Lady Choi showing respect to someone,  "Your Highness.." She said. Eon Jin smile and look at her. Su Jin got startruck and look at the Crown Princess without any blink.  "Are you the new tutor for Princess So Hee? " Eon Jin asked. Su Jin couldn't speak because she was amazed by the beauty infront of her. "Yes, Your Highness. She's Lady Su Jin the granddaughter of Minister Kim." Lady Choi said. Eon Jin smile and extend her hand to Su Jin. "Nice to meet you,  Lady Sujin." Eon Jin said. You're so pretty.. " Su Jin unknowingly said. Eon Jin let out a small laugh. "Aniyo! You're much prettier than me.." Eon Jin said. 

'That's why Woo Sung couldn't forget you... I envy you, Your Highness for having his heart for a long time...' In Su Jin's mind.

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