11. Guilt

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Abhimaan deep Shekhawat:

Abhimaan, determined to regain Mayura's trust, slowly got down on his knees beside her, his eyes locked on hers, filled with remorse and sincerity. He gently took her hand, his touch soft and gentle, and began to stroke it reassuringly.

"Mayura , please forgive me," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I was not myself, someone spiked my drink. I would never hurt you, I swear on my honor."

He took a deep breath and continued, "I know I can't erase what happened, but I promise to make it right. I'll do anything to regain your trust, to prove myself to you ."

Abhimaan's words were heartfelt, his gaze unwavering, and his touch gentle. He waited patiently, giving Mayura the space she needed, hoping she would see the sincerity in his eyes and eventually forgive him.

Mayura said with an inaudible voice "leave me alone, please" .

Abhimaan's face fell, his eyes filling with sadness and understanding. He nodded slowly, his grip on her hand gentle as he released it. He rose to his feet, his movements quiet and respectful, and took a step back, giving her the space she requested.

"I'll leave you alone for now, Mayura," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "But know that I'll be here, waiting for you, whenever you're ready to talk, to forgive me ."

With a heavy heart, Abhimaan turned and walked away, leaving Mayura to her thoughts, his presence lingering in the room like a silent promise, a reminder that he would always be there for her, no matter what.

Mayura's pov :

Mayura's thoughts raced as she lay there, her body trembling with fear. She had been so scared when Abhimaan threw her on the bed, his eyes blazing with an intensity she had never seen before. She thought for sure he would force himself on her, and her mind raced with worst-case scenarios.

But then, something in his eyes changed. She saw a flicker of confusion, of uncertainty, and for a moment, she thought she saw the Abhimaan she knew, the one who married her and didn't even touch her on their wedding night .

But the fear had already taken hold, and she couldn't shake it off. She was trapped in a nightmare, and she didn't know how to wake up. When he came near her again, she flinched away, her heart racing, her mind screaming "no, no, no".

Even when he spoke softly, his words gentle and reassuring, she couldn't quite believe it. The image of him hovering over her, his eyes wild and unrecognizable, was seared into her mind. She needed time, time to process, time to heal, time to trust again. And so, she whispered the only words she could manage: "Leave me alone , please."

Mayura mustered up the courage to get out of the bed, her body still shaking with fear and anxiety. She couldn't bear the thought of sleeping in the same bed where just hours before, Abhimaan had... She pushed the thought away, not wanting to relive the terror.

With a newfound determination, she changed into a comfortable nightdress and grabbed a blanket from the closet. She spread it out on the floor, away from the bed, and lay down, trying to calm her racing mind.

The floor was hard and uncomfortable, but she didn't care. She just wanted to feel safe, and the bed no longer felt like a sanctuary. As she lay there, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Abhimaan, why he had acted that way. But her mind was too exhausted to think straight, and eventually, she drifted off into a fitful sleep, her eyes still haunted by the memory of Abhimaan's intense gaze.

Abhimaan 's pov :

Abhimaan stormed out of the room, his mind seething with anger and frustration. Mayura's words "Leave me alone" echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of his failure to protect her, to be the husband she deserved.

As he paced the hallway, his anger turned to rage. Who could have done this to him? Who could have spiked his drink, manipulating him into betraying Mayura's trust?

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, his voice firm and commanding. "I want every single footage from tonight's reception sent to me. Every. Single. Footage. I don't care if it's from a phone or a security camera. I want to know who did this to me, to Mayura."

His team responded with a swift "Yes, sir" and Abhimaan knew they would deliver. He would get to the bottom of this, no matter what it took. He would find out who was behind this and make them pay.

As he waited for the footage to arrive, Abhimaan's mind raced with scenarios, his anger and determination fueling his thoughts. He would not rest until justice was served, until Mayura's trust was restored, and until he could look himself in the mirror once again.

Abhimaan's eyes scanned the footage, his gaze burning with intensity. He was determined to find the culprit, to identify the person who had dared to cross him. He was the King of Rajasthan, and no one threatened his family and got away with it.

As he watched the videos, his mind raced with scenarios, his anger and determination fueling his thoughts. He saw himself confronting the perpetrator, his voice thundering with rage, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Whoever you are, you have made a grave mistake," he growled to himself. "You have tried to hurt my wife, the Queen. You have tried to destroy my family. But you will pay. Oh, you will pay dearly."

Abhimaan's eyes narrowed as he focused on a figure in the footage. A waiter, lingering around the drinks table. His eyes locked onto the figure, his mind racing with possibilities.

He was no longer the calm and collected King of Rajasthan, but a psychopath driven by a singular desire for vengeance. His voice dropped to a menacing whisper, his words dripping with malevolence.

"Rajveer, you have made a grave mistake. You have crossed the wrong man. I will make you pay for this betrayal. I will make you suffer."

Abhimaan's eyes flashed with a demonic intensity as he rose from his seat, his movements fluid and predatory. He was the devil incarnate, and Rajveer was his next victim.

The room seemed to darken, as if the very presence of Abhimaan's wrath had sucked the light out of it. His transformation was complete, and the once-just king had become a monster, driven by an insatiable hunger for revenge.

With a fierce determination, Abhimaan rose from his seat, his eyes blazing with a fire that would not be quenched until justice was served.

Abhimaan's eyes scanned the room, his heart racing with anticipation. He had come to check on Mayura, to make sure she was okay after the traumatic events of the night. But as he entered the room, his gaze fell on the empty bed, and his mind went into overdrive.

Where was she? Why wasn't she in bed? A thousand thoughts flashed through his mind, each one more ominous than the last. He felt a cold sweat trickling down his spine as he frantically searched the room.

And then, his eyes landed on her. Mayura, his beautiful wife, was sleeping on the floor, her body curled up in a fetal position, her face pale and drawn. Abhimaan's heart shattered into a million pieces as he realized why she wasn't in bed. She couldn't bear to sleep on the same bed where he had...where he had failed her so miserably.

He felt a stinging sensation in his eyes as tears pricked at the corners. He had never felt such a deep sense of regret and sorrow. He had caused his wife, his queen, to feel so unsafe and uncomfortable in her own bed.

Abhimaan's legs trembled as he approached her, his movements silent and gentle. He knelt beside her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her vulnerable form. He longed to hold her, to comfort her, to tell her how sorry he was, but he dared not disturb her. She needed rest, and he needed to give her space.

So he stayed there, kneeling beside her, his eyes fixed on her face, his heart heavy with grief and remorse. He knew he had a long journey ahead, to regain her trust, to heal her wounds, and to prove himself worthy of her love once more.

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