18. First day of college

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Mayura's pov:

I stepped out of the car and onto the campus of Rajasthan University, my heart racing with excitement and nerves. The sprawling grounds and majestic buildings seemed to stretch on forever, a testament to the wealth and influence of the royal family who sponsored and controlled the institution. My husband's family, the Shekhawats.

I made my way to the principal's office, my eyes scanning the bustling courtyard. Students milled about, chatting and laughing, completely unaware of my true identity. Only the principal knew, and I intended to keep it that way.

I knocked on the door, and a warm voice called out, "Enter, Mayura."

Principal Sharma, a kind-eyed man with a gentle smile, greeted me from behind his desk. He stood up, his eyes respectfully bowed, and said, "Welcome, Your Majesty."

I smiled, appreciating his courtesy. "Please, Principal Sharma, call me Mayura. I'm here as a student, not as the queen."

He nodded, his face gracious. "As you wish, Mayura. Please, have a seat."

As we spoke, he addressed me as "Mam", a term of respect and endearment, and I felt a sense of comfort and ease in his presence. He was a man who understood the intricacies of royal protocol, yet also respected my desire for normalcy.

"Now, let's discuss your course schedule and any special arrangements you may require, Mam..."

"Principal Sharma, I have a request to make," I said, my voice low and earnest.

"Of course, Mayura. What is it?" he asked, his eyes kind and understanding.

"I know you're aware of my...background," I began, choosing my words carefully. "But I implore you, please don't disclose my identity as the queen to anyone. I want to experience college life like a normal student, without any special treatment or attention."

Principal Sharma nodded thoughtfully. "I understand, Mayura. Your anonymity is assured. I'll make sure no one knows you're the queen."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me."

He smiled. "Now, let me show you to your first class. We wouldn't want you to get lost on your first day."

I laughed, feeling a sense of gratitude towards this kind man. "Thank you, Principal Sharma. I appreciate it."

He walked around his desk and gestured for me to follow him. We stepped out into the bustling corridor, and he led me through the crowds of students, expertly navigating us through the throngs of people.

As we walked, he pointed out various landmarks and buildings, giving me a mini-tour of the campus. I listened intently, taking in the sights and sounds of my new surroundings.

We finally arrived at a sleek, modern building, and Principal Sharma pushed open the door to a lecture hall. "Here we are, Mayura. Your first class: Introduction to Psychology."

I nodded, feeling a thrill of excitement. "Thank you, Principal Sharma. I won't forget your kindness."

He smiled, his eyes warm. "You're welcome, Mayura. Remember, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always here to help."

With that, he gestured for me to take a seat, and I slipped into the lecture hall, feeling a sense of belonging and excitement for this new chapter in my life.

Classes went well , and I was really happy to again start my education. I sat with my new friends, Sakshi, Nisha, and Tannu, in the bustling college cafeteria, enjoying our lunch and each other's company. We chatted about our classes, our professors, and our shared love of psychology. The conversation flowed easily, and I felt grateful to have found such kind and friendly friends.

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