33. it's a secret!

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Abhimaan 's pov:

I sat on my throne, my face a mask of fury. In front of me, the security guards stood with their heads bowed, trembling like leaves. I glared at them, my eyes blazing with anger. They looked like they were about to collapse under my gaze.

"So, you're telling me that the Queen just vanished into thin air?" I growled, my voice low and menacing. "You didn't see where she went? You didn't even notice she was gone until it was too late?"

The security team exchanged nervous glances. "W-well, Your Highness," one of them stammered, "her friends tried to distract us. We were caught off guard..."

I slammed my fist on the armrest, making them jump. "And you got distracted by mere teenagers? You call yourself royal security? You're a joke!"

My anger was burning hotter by the second. How could they be so incompetent? Mayura was my queen, my wife, and they had let her slip through their fingers like sand.

I leaned forward, my eyes narrowing. "Find her," I snarled. "Find her now. And if anyone gets in your way, crush them. Do you understand?"

The guards nodded frantically, scurrying off to obey my orders. I sat back on my throne, seething with rage. I would find Mayura, and when I did, there would be hell to pay.

I sat in front of the surveillance footage, my eyes scanning the screens as I searched for any sign of Mayura. But it was like she had vanished into thin air. I couldn't believe it - she had somehow managed to sneak out of the college without being detected.

I slammed my fist on the desk, frustrated. How could she be so clever? She had always been intelligent, but this was like something out of a movie. I couldn't help but feel a begrudging respect for her cunning.

I quickly called the principal, my voice firm. "Tell me about Mayura's last whereabouts. When was the last time she was seen on campus?"

The principal hesitated, "W-well, Your Highness, she didn't attend her last two classes. It's unlike her, I know, but-"

"Unlike her?" I interrupted, my anger rising. "Mayura wasn't the type to miss classes. Something's going on, and I need to know what it is."

I could sense the principal's fear through the phone, but I didn't care. I needed answers, and I needed them now. I was the King, and I would not be ignored.

"Find out what's going on ," I growled.

I was searching for any clue, any hint of where Mayura might be, when my phone rang. I groaned, not in the mood for business right now. My wife was missing, and I needed to focus on finding her.

I answered the call, my voice firm. "Rajeev, it better be important. I'm not in the mood for this right now."

"Sir, it's really important," Rajeev said, his voice trembling. "Please, just check the news. You need to see this."

I literally wanted to throw the phone into the wall. My wife was missing, and he was telling me to watch the news? I threatened him, my anger boiling over. "Rajeev, if this isn't absolutely crucial, you're fired. Do you understand?"

"I understand, sir," Rajeev said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But please, just trust me. You need to see this."

I sighed, my patience wearing thin. "Fine. What channel?"

"It's on all the major channels, sir. Just turn on the TV."

I hung up the phone and turned on the TV, my heart racing with anticipation. What could be so important that Rajeev would dare to disturb me right now? I flipped through the channels, my eyes scanning the screens until I saw it. The news anchor was talking about , and my heart stopped. What had she done now?

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