38. Baby Dino ??

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Abhimaan's POV:

Only Mayura has the power to calm the storm within me. Her gentle touch, her soothing words, and her loving gaze can tame even the most ferocious of beasts - my own anger.

But, I couldn't help but scold Rajeev a little for complaining about me to my wife. Loyalty is paramount, and I expect it from those around me.

As I proposed to Mayura again, I realized that I don't need fancy decor or flowery words. Our love is raw, real, and rooted in our deepest feelings for each other. I want her to walk into my office with her head held high, not sneak in like a secret. She's my wife, my partner, my everything.

I regret keeping our marriage a secret from the world. I thought it would protect my image, but now I see the harm it's caused. Mayura feels like she's hiding a part of herself, and that's not the life I want for her. I want to shout our love from the rooftops, to show the world what we share.

It's time to correct my mistake and let our love shine bright for all to see. No more secrets, no more hiding. Mayura, my love, will be by my side, where she belongs.

I dialed the phone, my heart racing with excitement. "Maa , Papa, I have some news to share," I said, trying to contain my grin.

"Beta, what is it?" my mother asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I'm getting married ... to Mayura again ," I announced, waiting for their reaction.

There was a moment of silence, followed by a squeal of delight from my mother. "Oh, Abhimaan! We're so happy for you both!"

My father chuckled. "We love Mayura like our own daughter, Abhimaan. Maybe even more than we love you!"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Papa. I'm glad to know where I stand."

My mother teased, "Well, Mayura has always been the calm to your storm, Abhimaan. She's the one who can tame your temper and make you smile."

I smiled, knowing it was true. "That's why I want to spend the rest of my life with her, Ma. I want to make it official, in front of the whole world this time."

My father's voice turned serious. "We're thrilled for you both, Abhimaan. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Make sure to plan a grand wedding this time, we want to celebrate with you!"

I laughed, feeling relieved and happy. "I will, Papa. I promise. And Mayura will be by my side, where she belongs."

My parents, in their excitement, decided to consult Pandit Ji to find an auspicious day for our wedding. They insisted that we hold the ceremony here, in our palace, surrounded by family and friends. I couldn't argue with that; in fact, I was thrilled at the prospect of marrying Mayura in the same halls where I had grown up.

As I nodded in agreement, my mind raced with thoughts of the big day. I couldn't wait to see Mayura in her bridal finery, her eyes shining with happiness as she walked towards me. I couldn't wait to hold her hand, to make promises to her in front of our loved ones, and to start our new life together.

"Let's make it a grand celebration, Ma," I said, turning to my mother. "Mayura deserves only the best."

My mother smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Leave it to us, Abhimaan. We'll make sure it's a wedding for the ages."

I grinned, feeling like the luckiest man alive. I knew that with Mayura by my side, our love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. And now, with our families' blessings, we would make our love official, in the most grand and joyous way possible.

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my parents' love and support. They've always been my rock, and I know they'll be there to celebrate our love with us.

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