28. trending topic?

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Mayura's pov:

I woke up to an empty bed, the sheets cold and untouched beside me. It was as if Abhimaan had never slept there at all. I felt a pang of disappointment, but pushed it aside and got out of bed.

After a refreshing bath, I dressed in a simple yet elegant saree, the soft fabric draping elegantly around my curves. The vermilion on my forehead seemed to glow brighter today, and I couldn't help but think of last night's events as I applied it. My cheeks flushed with a gentle blush, remembering the way Abhimaan had looked at me, the way he had touched me.

Just then, a female servant entered the room, her eyes cast down in respect. "Breakfast is ready, ma'am," she said, her voice soft. "Sir has already left for the office."

My heart sank slightly, disappointment washing over me. I had hoped to see Abhimaan this morning, to exchange a gentle smile or a soft word. But I didn't show my disappointment, instead nodding graciously. "Thank you, I'll be right down."

As I followed the servant out of the room, I couldn't help but wonder when I would see Abhimaan again, when I would feel his warm touch and his gentle gaze upon me.

I sat in the luxurious living room, surrounded by plush cushions and intricately carved furniture, and took a bite of my light Indian breakfast - a delicate paratha with a hint of garam masala, accompanied by a dollop of sweet mango chutney. The flavors danced on my tongue as I savored each morsel.

As I ate, I glanced at the clock on the wall, its ticking a gentle reminder that I still had time before college. I thought to myself, "Why not scroll through Instagram for a bit?" and reached for my phone.

I settled into the comfort of the couch, the softness enveloping me like a warm embrace, and opened my Instagram account. But as I scrolled through my feed, my eyes widened in shock .
My eyes fixed on my phone screen as I scrolled through my Instagram account. I had been expecting a few hundred followers, maybe a thousand if I was lucky, but nothing could have prepared me for this. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the number: 50 million followers.

I was the most trending topic on Instagram right now. They were totally full with  these questions.  " How did this happen? Why was the King of Rajasthan, Abhimaan, following a common girl? Was this some kind of glitch? Or was something fishy going on? "

As I scrolled through the comments, my heart raced with anticipation. Some were beautiful and sweet, congratulating me on my relationship and welcoming me to the royal family. Others were hate comments, criticizing me for getting into relationship with royalty and accusing me of being a gold-digger.

I read every comment, my emotions seeawing between happiness and sadness. Why were people so quick to judge me? Didn't they know that I was just a simple girl who had accidentally got married with a man who happened to be a king?

As I continued to scroll, I saw comments from people I knew - friends from college, acquaintances from my hometown. They were all congratulating me, but their words felt hollow. They didn't know the truth.

The room around me seemed to fade away as I sat there, lost in the sea of comments and messages. I felt like I was drowning, suffocating under the weight of public opinion. All I wanted was to be free, to be myself, to live my life without the constant scrutiny of the public eye.

But that was a luxury I couldn't afford. Not now, not ever.

_Breaking News_

_Maity Corp. Destroyed: A New Era for Rajasthan_

As I scrolled through my phone, my eyes widened in shock as I read the headlines. Maity Corp., the company that had once been my family's livelihood, was no more. And the reason was none other than my husband, Abhimaan Deep Shekhawat, the King of Rajasthan.

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