Episode 11

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Suddenly they heared a glass breaking sound , diverting everyone's attention towards living room.There, they saw a man in his 50s, dressed sharply in his office attire, with a dangerous look in his eyes walking towards living room......

(Episode 11)

The man is none other than "Saurabh Singh Rathore" (Vivanth's chachu & Malini's Husband) .

Malini noticed Saurabh coming towards the living room ,her eyes went wide and she left her hold on the tea cup which is in her hands , grabbing everyone's attention in the mansion, soon tears filled in her eyes with happiness , seeing her husband after one and half year.

After seeing malini infront of him, Saurabh walked towards her in a fast pace , stood infront of her, giving her a death glare " How many times did I warned you not to show the Stupid Face of yours !!!" Saurabh shouted at the top of his lungs. Her happiness in her eyes disappeared with his words. Within no time he pushed her onto the broken glass cup pieces, causing them to pierce deeply into her skin.

Seeing Malini falling onto the glass pieces , Neena ran to her and helped her to stand and started yelling at Saurabh " Saurabh !! Is this the way you treat your wife?? You came home after one and half year & soon after coming you started shouting and hurting her". " Don't you know it is mannerless to get involved between a husband and wife" Saurabh said . Neena was about shout. "Bhabhi please leave this matter here itself , for my sake" Malini cut her off , pleaded and kept sobbing . Neena understood her situation and nodded. Saurabh smirked at them and left to his room.

Everyone in the dining area kept looking at the living room and understood that ,it is not the right time to go there when saurabh is present , so they just remained standing there. Arushi and Aadhya were observing the situation with wide eyes filled with a shocking expression. Meanwhile Vivanth and Shardul stood there as if nothing had happened cozz it is not new to them.

They all ran to Malini and Neena immediately after Saurabh left. "Beta, don't worry everything will be fine.......Malini come, let me treat your wound" Neena said looking at her children, and then she left to her room with Malini.

Aadhya called Arushi, diverting everyone's attention towards her. "It is time to leave to office."Aadhya said. "Okay.........How did came??"Arushi asked. "Cab...."Aadhya answered and about to leave ."Aadhya!!......Wait, Shardul will drop you" Vivanth said, Aadhya nodded. "Let me get my car keys" Shardul said and made his way towards his room.

Few minutes later Shardul came back to living room and found Arushi lost somewhere in her thoughts. "Bhabhi....!!Bhabhi...! What are you thinking ??where were you lost??"Shardul asked. "Why chachu is behaving very rudely with choti maa??"Arushi asked.

"Actually chachu loved a girl before his marriage , she is very beautiful, educated and cunning as well. After chachu informed about his love to dadi and dadu. Then dadi started enquiry about the girl,soon she came to know about her cunning nature, So she rejected his love and fixed chachu's marriage with Malini maa. Chachu hates Malini maa more than anything. Malini maa had seen the worst with Chachu. But still she loves him, and shows all her love towards him. He goes for office work in London and returns after one or two years every time. Again he starts torturing Malini maa, if he found her infront of him."Shardul said to Arushi

"What about their children??" Arushi asked. "They had 2 children, Riya di and Vihaan. Malini maa don't want her children to get treated badly by their father ,so she sent them to her parents for their schooling ,later they went to US for higher studies" Shardul said ,Arushi nodded.

"Okay bhabhi,I will drop Aadhya at office ,Bye...."Shardul said and started leaving. Arushi again went into her thoughts. "Again ,What are you thinking??"Vivanth asked making her come out of her thoughts."Shardul said, chachu don't even like to see Malini maa infront of him.......then.....how did they had 2 children??"Arushi asked with a loud voice , Vivanth eyes widened after listening to her and closed her mouth by placing his hand on her mouth, looked around his surroundings to make sure that nobody listened to her, again looked at her.

Meanwhile shardul turned back and found Vivanth closing Arushi's mouth and staring into her eyes.Shardul cleared his throat "Oohoo Bhai.....what are you doing here?? You guys had your room to do all these......." Shardul said in a teasing tone. "Hey you monkey!!! What are still doing here , go and drop her at office" Vivanth said glaring at him. "Haa....Haa....I'M going........, first you guys go and continue in your room" Shardul said and ran away from there.

Vivanth shake his head and turned towards Arushi. " Oh God!! Your unholy mind........." Vivanth said playfully hitting her head. "You don't even worry for Malini maa and here you are saying all these words!!!"Vivanth said. "I do worry for her........but...........ah........" Arushi said.
"But!!...what but??....hah,continue" Vivanth asked raising his eyebrows. "Mmm.......nothing" She said simply and ran to their room from there. "Heyy....Rabbit!! Where are you running?? Answer my question!!" Vivanth asked seeing her running figure. Still she kept running to their room , ignoring his words. Then , Vivanth left to office.

Meanwhile at Malini's room, Neena treated Malini's wounds. "Why di?? Why all these happens only to me?? What wrong I have done to him?? " Malini said crying in Neena's lap. " Arey.....Malini!! please don't cry and hurt yourself because of his mistakes.........please don't cry." Neena said caressing her hair. "Because of him, only because of him and his behaviour , I sent my children far from home. I failed didi....!! I failed as wife ,I failed as mother, I failed to show and give my love to them, I'm totally failed in my life didi. I'm a bad mother who can't even give love to her kids." Malini said tears flowing from her eyes continuously. Neena's heart clenched listening to Malini's words and tears ran through her cheeks seeing Malini's condition. "No Malini!! please don't say that, you are just trying to secure your kids from your monster husband . You are not falied Malini.....Please don't say that ,they are your kids.....,one day they will definitely understand you." Neena said wiping Malini's tears. "Rest for some time" Neena said with a small smile on her face and left the room.

(At Night)

Everyone is having their dinner in silence, Nishika noticed Saurabh coming towards dining table. "Bhai!! When did chachu came back??" Nishika asked shardul in a whispering tone . "Right after you left to college" Shardul said. "Saurabh!! when did you came??" Kunwar asked in a harsh tone. "Morning" Saurabh replied and started eating. "Who is she??" Saurabh asked noticing Arushi. "Umm..... I forgot to introduce her, she is Arushi , Vivanth's wife , She is the owner of Arushi Designs, and moreover meri pyaari bachi...." Kunwar said. Saurabh nodded without showing any expression. "Namaskar chachu ji" Arushi said to Saurabh. "Chachu....!! Who is chachu ji??" Saurabh exclaimed. "Don't she even know relations??" Saurabh asked. Arushi got hurt with his words. "Sorry....Cha........umm.....sasur ji" Arushi said nervously, looking down at her plate. The remaining dinner went in silence.

Present everyone is sitting in living room , " Shardul !! when are you going to join office??" Kunwar asked. "Whatt?? still he didn't joined in office??"Saurabh asked. " It's already been 6 months I joined in Office ,chachu" Shardul said. " He took leave for his Vivanth bhai's marriage and here, Vivanth already started going to office right after the next day of his marriage and this fellow is still sitting at home and eating others brain," Kunwar said. " Shardul, you are coming to office from tomorrow" Kunwar ordered in a strict tone. "Papa please !! I will join after bhai and bhabhi's reception.........Mumma please tell him" Shardul said showing his puppy eyes to Neena. " It is just a matter of 1 day right!! just leave him for one day baby" Neena said to Kunwar . " As you say....." Kunwar said looking into his phone. Shardul jumped onto Neena, Kissed her cheeks and said "Thank you mumma......... Thank you so much, love youuuuu......... " He said and kissed her cheeks again and went to his room.

"Arushi and Vivanth , you guys go and sleep , tomorrow morning you have to go and try your outfits for reception" Neena said. They nodded and left to their room.

Hope you guys like this chapter❤️

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