The Love we Found Again

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                           7 years later

"Tori, be careful!"

Carson rushed into the garden, grabbing the swing with both hands. I giggled as I watched him fuss over her, his cheeks taking on a pinkish hue under the sun.

"She looks so much like him!" Mom gushed as she sipped her lemonade, her hair dancing with the breeze. She glanced at me, eyes alive and bright, and I smiled back, nodding.

"She has her dad's hair and her aunt's eyes. It's like my genes didn't even put up a fight."

Mom giggled, grabbing my hand and caressing my sun tanned skin with her thumb. "Everyone who sees you two together can see the resemblance. She may have hazel eyes and blond hair, but she looks so much like you."

"She has your nose, your lips, your cheeks,and your personality!" Carson sighed wistfully, bending down to plant a kiss on my forehead. He sat down next to me, placing an overly energetic toddler on his lap. She wiggled forward, her hands reaching for my mom with enthusiasm.

"Does Tori want to come to grandma?" My mom squealed, eagerly stealing her from Carson's hold.

"She loves you," he said, a soft smile on his beautiful face.

"Of course she does, I spoil her rotten."

Laughing, I reached forward to push Tori’s curls away from her face. She may be Carson's twin, but she got her unruly hair from me.

Carson reached around my chair, placing a warm hand on my shoulders and pulling me into him. He placed a soft kiss on my head, murmuring a soft 'I love you' in my hair.

We watched our two year old play with my mom's necklace, placing the golden heart in her mouth and then spitting it out in disgust. She then moved on to her shirt, inspecting the pink fabric with the curiosity of a brand new human.

"How was your last doctor visit, mom?" I asked, a slight surge of panic rising in my chest. Even though my mom had been cancer free for close to 5 years now, every time she went to the hospital for checkups, I would lose my mind with worry. I couldn't help it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, the thought of her relapsing took permanent residence.

"Everything looked clear. Stop worrying." Mom bent down to kiss Tori again, her chubby cheeks were a common target for our kisses and pinches.

"I can't help it, mom."

Carson squeezed my arm, smiling down at me. "Everything is okay now, baby. You have nothing to worry about."

I nodded, nuzzling my face into his neck. Sometimes, I couldn't believe it had already been seven years.

Seven years since Carson left everything behind in Miami to stay with me.

Seven years since he told me he loved me for the first time.

Six years since we got the news that my mother was finally cancer free and was in remission.

Five years since Carson finally convinced me to leave our town behind and travel the world like I had promised my mom all those years ago.

Four years since we decided to settle down in San Francisco because I loved a beach house so much I couldn't bear to leave it behind.

Four years since I made Tori’s dream true, opening a café/bookstore with the most beautiful garden ever looking over the beach.

Three years since Carson proposed, asking me to marry the only man I had ever loved in my life.

Two years since we were blessed with the bundle of joy that made our lives complete.

We lost Tori fourteen years ago, and through our journey back to each other, Carson and I had been through hell.
But looking at my little family now, sitting around a small table in our backyard, enjoying the sun as we watched the waves together, I wouldn't dare change a thing.

"When are your parents arriving again?" Mom asked, struggling to drink her lemonade and wrestling the straw out of Tori’s vice grip. "No offence to any of you, but I want to spend time with people my own age."

"Ouch," I said at the same time as Carson laughed.

"They should be here tomorrow morning, Mags." He winked at her, and she slapped his arm playfully. "I'm sorry we're such terrible company. "

"Apology accepted." Mom nodded. "Tori, here is the only fun one out of the three of you. And I miss Deb."

"I'm sure she misses you too, mom."

"Is everything ready for tomorrow? Do you need me to run to the store later?" Carson asked, his hand still caressing my arm.

"No, we have everything."

"We're going to make sure Tori has the best 2nd birthday ever, aren't we baby? Mom said, her baby voice making both Tori and I laugh.

"She won't even remember it." I rolled my eyes, thinking back to all the decorations currently taking up all of my living room.

"No, but we will." Mom smiled at me. "You'll look back on this one day and be glad you went above and beyond for your baby."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sun rays on my skin and the soft touches of my husband on my arm and face. Tori giggled again, and a feeling I had never experienced before blossomed into my chest.

Suddenly, everything else faded into the background, all of the suffering and pain and loss, they all dissipated into nothing. All that mattered, all that existed, was this moment of bliss and serenity.
I knew then that I wouldn't exchange this moment for the world.

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