Chapter 8

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

"I love you, Jack." Elsa whispered.

"I love you more." I whispered back.

"That's impossible!" Elsa giggled.

I pinch her cheeks. Why am I pinching her cheeks?! I stared at Elsa and smiled widely. I hear a muffled giggle coming from somewhere. Who is laughing? It's not Elsa? She's looking around the back garden seeking.

"Elizabeth, where are you hiding?" Elsa smiled.

Elizabeth? Who is Elizabeth? I could hear the giggling again, Elsa crept up to this huge oak tree at the very back of the garden. I could see a glimpse of platinum blonde hair, but it wasn't Elsa's. Did someone dye their hair like Elsa's? I went up with Elsa. She took one side whilst I took the other. The giggling was continuing.

"BOO!" Elsa shouted.

I heard a surprised scream. I felt impact and I fell with someone in my arms. It was a little girl with platinum blonde hair. She looks like the double of Elsa.

"Mommy, no fair! You can't pair up with Daddy!" The little girl pouted.

Wait, did she just say Daddy?! I then pinch her nose. Why did I just pinch her nose?

"Daddy can pair up with Mommy, Princess!" I chuckled.

Wait, did I even just admit it? Okay, I just called the little girl Princess. Elsa laughed as the little girl tried to get out of my grip.

"King Daddy! Princess Elizabeth orders you to put her down!" The little girl said.

So, this is Elizabeth...King Daddy? I put her down and she ran off. Me and Elsa looked at each other and chase her. What AM I even DOING?!


I opened my eyes, it was all a dream? That was probably the weirdest but best dream I ever had! Wait, what? Stop Jack! She is your rival/friend nothing more!

I touched my cheek and remembered Elsa's actions yesterday. Maybe...just maybe she does that to everyone? I jumped out of bed and had a nice long shower. I hope I'm free today! I hate those damn company parties! They're so annoying! I checked the calendar and I have another damn party tonight!

"Why couldn't I just have one damn day to myself?" I said, aggravated.

I grabbed my black leather pants, white shirt, black tie and a black leather blazer. How I love this suit! I wore this when I had that one night stand, but I can't remember who she was. I remember seeing a glimpse of glittery silver though. I guess Elsa is getting there by her driver today, she mentioned something about her driver going on vacation for three days.

Elsa...I can't seem to get her out of my damn head! Does she know it could be very hard being a single Mom? Does she want to be a single mom? Maybe I could help her out? Either way, I will support her! The success part for Cindy's Ball is at four this afternoon, I looked at the clock and it's only one. Well, looks like I'm going to have to wait a good couple of hours. What is Elsa going to be wearing?

Jelsa One Night StandWhere stories live. Discover now