Chapter 39

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

I'm sitting on the couch watching boring TV shows. I have broken my wrist and some of my fingers which is totally amazing - note the sarcasm. Elsa is sitting in the dining room writing some stuff down, well I'm very curious and very bored! So, I walked into the dining room and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey, honey. What you writing?" I asked.

"Well, I am writing out a list of baby names, which you can't." Elsa said sadly.

I felt guilty, I mean sure I shouldn't have punched the wall, but I was angry! I feel bad for my honey buns right now. I frowned and Elsa caught this and kissed me cheek. My frown turned upside down. Hey, that rhymes!

"So, if it's a boy? Only in your top three!" Elsa asked.

"Only three?" I whined.

Elsa nodded. I groaned, but did as she said. Trust me, you don't know want to anger a pregnant woman. It's a very scary experience! Anyway boys names! I like a lot of boys names like Jack, Daniel, Mason, Asher, Jamie, Max, Oliver, Owen, Kieran, Will, Jordan, Bennett, Ethan, Colin and so many more! Ugh, why?!

I looked back at Elsa and she too looked extremely frustrated with this. I hate this just as much as she does. Picking just three names, when there are millions of names - this is so darn hard!

"Okay, I can't decide!" Elsa growled.

"How about a lucky dip? We just pull the name out of a hat?" I suggested.

"That's not such a bad idea!" Elsa agreed.

Elsa is now filling the hat with the names. I can't wait to see what comes out! This is quite an exciting surprise in a way!

"Okay, we will take turns picking out names! It's out of the top six." Elsa explained.

Top six? Wasn't it like top three a couple minutes ago? I shook it off and just got on with the hat shuffle name thingy.

"Okay, shake it up!" Elsa clapped.

I shook the hat a bit and Elsa put her hand. She felt around for a couple seconds and pulled out a piece of paper.

"The first one is...Jamie!" Elsa smiled.

"Yes, I picked that!" I cheered.

"Weird, so do I!" Elsa said confused.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. It was Elsa's turn to mix and shuffle the hat. I reached in with my good hand, of course! I pulled out a piece of paper.

"The second on is...Daniel! Another one of mine!" I cheered.

Elsa rolled her eyes and laughed along with me. This girl, I'm happy it's her that I fell in love with! It's now my turn to shuffle again! Elsa picked out a piece of paper.

"Samuel! That is one of my names!" Elsa squealed.

I chucked. She is just so adorable, I could just pinch those adorable, flawless, rosy cheeks! Elsa then took the hat from me. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

"Will!" I clapped.

This went on another two times and the names James and Callum came out! So the six boys names picked out at random are Jamie, Daniel, Samuel, Will, James and Callum!

"Now six girls names. Doing the same thing!" Elsa squealed.

Wait another six names, but for girls? Am I missing out on something here? Probably not, Elsa wouldn't keep something so exciting away from me! The six girls names picked out in the end were Elizabeth, Amy, Cara, Isabel, Jade and Katie. Such cute girls names!

"I'm glad that's sorted, no take backs!" Elsa said sternly, but jokingly.

"There won't be!" I laughed.

That's a deal now! Not one of us can change one of those names, it's finalised! I totally agree with Elsa's decision. It was funny quite exciting to pull the names out of the hats like that.

"Anna's party is next week Tuesday!" Elsa said happily.

Anna really hasn't been herself through the pregnancy, she can barely keep her eyes open. Elsa said when she went to visit her two days ago and she saw Anna painting - that's got to be a good start, right?

"I hope she will like it," Elsa said, biting her lip nervously.

"Anna will love it!" I said reassuringly.

"I hope so, Jack..." Elsa sighed.

I kissed her cheek and brought her to the study. Well I had my appointment earlier on today, they say that I'm improving bit by bit. I climbed up the ladder and looked for a good book.

"What book, Els?" I asked.

"Fifty shades of grey," Elsa said jokingly, rolling her eyes.

"Kinky," I chuckled.

"Jack!" Elsa exclaimed blushing bright red.

I laughed. I picked out the book If I Stay. Yes we have read it before, but it's our favourites! I would always stay for Elsa, like she would stay for me. I climbed back down the ladder with the book in my hand. Elsa saw it, smiled and laughed. God, her laugh is adorable!

"We are reading this for like the billionth time, but got to love it!" Elsa laughed.

"Actually this will be the twenty third time," I corrected her.

Her jaws have dropped. I laughed and walked out the study smiling leaving her dumbfounded. She will come down in a minute, after her state of shock.

"How do you even remember that?" Elsa questioned as she ran down the stairs.

I laughed, but stopped and saw her trip. I jumped over the couch and caught her. She has her eyes glued closed, Elsa opened one eye and sighed in relief. I helped her up and squished her in a hug.

"You scared the heck out of me just now, Elsa!" I croaked.

Elsa didn't hug back, she was still in shock. I picked her up bridal style and sat her on the couch. She was shaking uncontrollably, so I gently hugged her for comfort to try take her mind off of what just happened. I began to read our favourite book to her.


Hi guys 😊 Yay! An update 😁 Jelsa picked out baby names! 😍😬 So, what do you think about the names? ❔ Jack is improving with the Nightmares 👍🏻 No trouble in this chapter, thankfully 😌 But everyone knows, drama comes back eventually 😟 Elsa tripped and Jack saved her! 😌 Lover boy saves the day 😆😁❤️💙 Hope you enjoyed ☺️



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