Chapter 26

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<<<ELSA'S POV>>>

Jack stood there with this arms folded and tapping his foot impatiently. I bit my lip nervously, I looked up and see Jack's face and he wasn't impressed.

"Well?" Jack said strictly.

"...I just want to have fun?" I said, it was more like a question.

"And you can't have fun inside, how?" Jack replied.

I could feel my anger rise in me. It was surging through my veins like a tsunami of madness.

"It's not fair!" I shouted.

Jack jumped back in surprise at my outburst. I glared deadly daggers at him and he looks so shocked and hurt.

"Pregnancy hormones." He muttered.

I glared and walked out the room. I went into the kitchen and had a glass of orange juice, I have been craving this since this morning and thank God that I have gave into the craving!

"What's not fair?" Jack said.

Jack had his arms folded and he was leaning against the door frame. I rolled my eyes and stood up, I was looking him dead in the eye.

"What isn't fair with you?! I can't even walk outside without you being paranoid!" I growled.

Jack stayed calm and was taking deep breaths. I bawled my fists trying to contain my own anger and keep it under control.

"I'm paranoid, because you are pregnant, p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t! Why would I not be paranoid?" Jack replied calmly.

My eye started twitching and my anger was going through the roof. I was shaking in anger too.

"What are you trying to say?! Are you trying to say I'm not at all capable of watching out for myself?!" I shouted angrily.

I could see that Jack was now trying to keep calm and not go through the roof. I couldn't care! I can't control my anger!

"Well?!" I shouted.

"Stop it now!" Jack shouted.

I jumped back and I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. Jack's face immediately softened seeing the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Elsa, I'm--"

"Leave me alone!" I exclaimed.

Jack's eyes widened in shock and lowered his head down. I barged past him and locked myself in our bedroom. I saw my coat on my bed and I put it on. I looked down and saw that I could climb down the tree from here.

"I need some air." I whispered to myself.

The wind picked up just a bit as I climbed down the tree and the snow picked up. I didn't really care though! I walked out the driveway and walked around to see a park. I decided to just go there.

"Why?" I cried to myself.

I could feel the temperature dropping ever so slowly. The winds were picking up, but I couldn't care less! I placed a hand on my stomach.

Jelsa One Night StandOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora