Chapter 23 (Picture Of Alex)

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If this chapter goes up, thank god! My phone has been lagging like crazy and what I write is always gone after it lags. Dumb phone.

Stupid stupid phone...

Hope this chapter is ok :)

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Drew's P.O.V

"He was drugged and I found a chip in his neck. I managed to get it out...." Alex said and I knew my facial expression changed from anger to just a poker face, an unreadable expression.

"What about this chip?" I asked.

"I'm 98 to 99.9 percent sure that he was being controlled. The ones who kidnapped him must have brainwashed him, before drugging him and putting this inside of him." Alex said and I nodded my head.

"Does that mean that my brother is innocent and didn't intend anything he did?" I asked.

"I'm convinced he is because he doesn't really remember much of what happened between the time he left to go for a run, six years ago and was kidnapped to when he was knocked out by Valentina." Alex said.

Maybe my brother was the same person who went missing six years ago.

"Can we see him?" Valentina asked.

"He's currently asleep. You could probably come back in a few hours time. Most likely by then he'll be awake." Alex replied.

"We'll come over later." I said.

"I'll stay here. Drew, could you let your mother know that I'm over here?" Dad asked and I nodded ok.

Valentina and I walked down the stairs. When we were on the first level, many of the pack members were curious who was the stranger.

"Who was that?"

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