Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love. (last chapter)

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"Nobody moves" Shay said holding up a gun. Drew followed in holding another gun. Stellar pulled me behind him. June dashed off quickly before anyone could have gotten her.

"Get out of here" Stellar said. "Or I'll have to kill you"

Shay laughed. "It's me with a gun that can kill you with one shot versus you and two others. Now tell me this Jasmine. Who do you honostly think is going to win here?"

I stayed behind Stellar and didn't say anything.

"This is between you and me" Stellar growled. Stellar held my hand but with the other he was making some sort of indication signal. Kelsey came forward slowly and Drew caught her too soon.

"Don't move" He growled holding the gun to her neck.

She didn't. Stellar did some other sort of hand signal but Shay caught him doing it and she grabbed him and I felt his hand rip away from mine. She slammed him up against the wall and he emmidiatly tried to fight back but she pulled something out of her pocket that looked like some sort of powder and threw it all over him.

Stellar screamed. I rushed towards him in a heartbeat but Drew grabbed me.

"Now you see?" Shay asked. "Fighting isn't a very good idea. So all of you come with us and we'll try not to hurt you" Shay led us to thier car in the back.

We were jammed into the backseat and had no idea where we were even going. I realized then that we should have just stayed with the palace. We would have been a lot safer.

"Are you okay?" I asked Stellar.

"I'm fine" He said.

"What happened to you?"

"It's silver. Silver burns on vampire skin" He explained.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's not your fault" He said taking my hand again. His was filled with warmth and comfort.

We arrived later that night around ten thirty. It was an apartment building that looked deserted and rundown. Shay pulled us in and brought us all to a room. The room was empty besides the carpeted white floor and a closet that was empty.

"Jasmine" She said before she left. "You'll be killed tommarow"

"And why would you tell me that?" I asked.

"To make you suffer" She said.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you want to kill me so bad?" I cried.

She just slammed the door and locked it. Tears pooled in my eyes. Kelsey and Alex fell asleep even though they didn't need it.

"Hey it's okay" Stellar said wrapping his arms around me. "It's alright"

"No it's not" I said tears on my cheeks. "I'm going to die tommarow. How is that okay?"

"Maybe we'll find a way out of this" Stellar told me. But I knew he was just trying to make me feel better. He was scared too. He knew exactly what was going to happen.

But we tried to forget about that. We laid on the floor and I slept in his arms even though he wasn't sleeping. Maybe I would wake up tommarow and Shay would have killed me in my sleep and Stellar too and he would be in heaven with me. I wouldn't have minded that.

But when I woke up a few hours later I was lying on Stellar's couch. The air conditioner was on. I got up and looked around. How the hell had I ended up here?

"Stellar?" I called.

"In here" He said. I followed his voice to his bedroom.

"What happened?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "We got back from the palace a few hours ago"

"It was a dream?!"

"A dream? What are you talking about?"

"I just had a dream Shay kidnapped us and Kelsey and Alex and told me she was going to kill me tommarow and she threw silver powder on you and you screamed and she and Drew were both there with guns and June was there and ran off and-"

He got up and pulled his arms around me.

"Shay's dead" He whispered softly. "You don't need to worry about her"

"Dead? How?"

"The court called saying that they found her. Drew ran off which really sucks but theres nothing we can do. And it's okay now"

It was okay now? Even though he still drank my blood and I got weaker everyday it was still alright? And now that he loved me, was it still okay to keep me kidnapped here?

No, it wasn't.

"I can't do this anymore" I said. "If you'd really have loved me, you would have let me go. But you still have me here, locked away. Is living really that important to you?"

He looked so taken aback and so sad that I almost wanted to run back to his arms. But no, I wouldn't.

"Your right" he said. "And I love you"

He left the room just like that and I followed anyway. He unlocked the door with a key and unhooked and unlatched all of the chains.

"There" He said. "Your free"

"Free?" I asked, as if it were some sort of joke. Except it wasn't because he was looking at me seriously.

But I didn't want to walk out because I loved him. But I didn't want to stay because I'd feel restricted.

"If we go someplace else?" I asked. "Will you let me go if I wanted to?"

"Yes" He said. "I would"

"Then come on" I said.

"Where do you want to go?" Stellar asked.

"To the park" I said. He followed me outside and down the street. I knew where I was going because I'd been there on vacation before and knew my way around. I reached the park as night was approaching. At the palace freedom wasn't really with me. But now, here, it was all around me. People talking, the breeze against my skin, cars driving, trees swaying, the sky setting under the river. Everything was around me and I was aloud to do whatever I wanted.

I pulled Stellar to the ground and laid down next to him. He pulled his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. He understood. And he would die. He would wilter away like a dead rose for me. Because he understood what freedom meant to someone and he understood most importantly what love was.

The end.

(Don't freak out. :) There is a sequel where thier daughter falls in love with Drew's son. It's going to be cauious and a lot of fun and always love so please read it! thanks!)

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