Chapter Seven

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Ch. 7

"So you mean for me to believe," Fred starts, taking a piece of my sandwich. "That your twin brother has been in the same house as you for over a week, and you haven't tried sneaking out to see him once?"

"I can't." I roll my eyes, pulling my plate away. "Where's George, anyway?"

"Down with Mum," he states, swiping at my plate again. "I'm supposed to be dusting the halls."

"Am I distracting you from your chores?" I raise an eyebrow, laughing.

"Oh, just a bit." He laughs.

The door creaks, slowly opening. "Yea Molly, I know!" Sirius voice yells before he comes in. I push Fred hard, knocking him off of my bed and onto the floor, hidden from view. "Sirina, would you be willing to take a trip with Dumbledore tomorrow?"

"Er, where to?" I ask nervously, afraid he will see Fred.

"Ministry." He states. "Get you all registered. I would take you, but.."

"Yea, I get it." I nod.

"Remus will go with you, though." He promises. "You'll be leaving early in the morning, yea?"

"I'll be here." I laugh.

Sirius nods, before disappearing out the door, shutting it behind him. I breath out in relief as the door shuts, and Fred's head pops up from next to my bed. "Well, that was fun." He laughs.

"Oh, a blast." I roll my eyes, my heart still pounding.

"I'll be back." He promises, then disapparates, leaving me alone to finish my lunch. He comes back a few minutes later with a pile of clothes. "Clothes?"

"Thanks." I half smile, taking the outfit. "You really should get to dusting..."

"You're uh, probably right." He groans, standing up. "See ya later then." He smiles then leaves the room.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Sirius asked me to stay in my room during the meeting, which was okay, because the twins heard him tell me this, and came in to keep me company.

They informed me that Harry also had a meeting, or trial, with the ministry the next day. And he would be going to work with their dad, Arthur. For a moment, I was excited, until I grasped the fact that neither Remus or Dumbledore would allow me to even catch a glimpse of him.

In the morning, after Sirius brings me my breakfast, I begin to prepare myself for the day. Both physically, and mentally.

I dress in what was brought to me, which included shoes this time. I looked at myself in the mirror, fighting a brush through my hair to tame it. Literally impossible, I think as the brush gets caught on yet another knot.

I washed up in the bathroom adjacent to my room. Hoping I looked good enough for the ministry.

"Sirina?" I hear Remus call into my room. I step out of the bathroom. "Ready to go, then?"

"Yea, let's go." I nod, following him out of the room. "Where is everyone?" I ask, realizing I'm actually walking through the hall in the middle of the day.

"Cleaning a very dirty room." He states. "Dumbledore is waiting in the kitchen."

Once met with Dumbledore, we head out for the ministry. Taking the guest entrance, which was a crammed phonebooth. I was made to present my wand upon entry, which didn't go over well.

"Sir, that's why I'm here." I sigh.

"Miss, I'm sorry. But I don't have you in my records." He shakes his head, looking down at my wand again.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now