Chapter Thirteen

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Ch. 13

"Can we ask you some other things?" Hermione asks hesitantly. "If we step over a line, we'll stop. Promise."

I nod, breathing out a rough breath. Nervous. What if I answer wrongly?

"Well, er...Remus's business meetings...?" She starts, choosing her words carefully.

"The order. Yea. I know that." I nod. "And I've met the people usually there for meetings."

"My mum, and dad?" Ron widens his eyes.

I nod shyly. "Yea...I was trying to not mention anything..but yea.."

"Wicked..." He trails off.

"Hey! S-" Fred is whacked in the head my George. "Ow! Rosie, come look at this!"

I walk to the twins, who were hunched over a small wooden box. "What are they? Sweets?" I stare in the box, obviously not seeing what they did.

"Products!" They answer in an excited whisper. "We can start selling!" George exclaims, shutting the box. "Do you want in?" Fred smirks down at me. "You can get twenty-percent."

"Oh..." I make a face. "I'm not sure..."

"Oh come on!" Fred rolls his eyes. "We need you!" George nods in agreement, both looking down at me desperately.

"For what?" I sigh, cocking my head to the side.

"Managing our orders, and the money coming in." George explains. "Keeping track of things."

"Being responsible." Fred states. "How about thirty-percent?"

I purse my lips, sighing. "Fine." I shrug. "But I swear, if I get in any trouble..."

"You won't! Promise!" Fred swoops down, kissing my cheek as George pats my head. "You won't regret it!"

"Yea yea yea..." I wave them away. "Now, off to bed...both of you. It's getting late."

They each salute me goodnight, then disappear up to the boys dormitories. I slowly make my way back over to the other three. "Well, er...I'm going up to bed now...'Night, then.."

"Oh me too." Hermione stands as well. We say our good nights to Ron and Harry, then make our way to the dormitories. "Goodnight, Rose."

"'Night Hermione." I smile before pulling the drapes closed on my bed and falling quickly to sleep.

It felt like only seconds before I was awoken. "Sirina? Sirina!" A faint whisper was coming from somewhere I couldn't detect. "Sirina Rose!" It was a bit stronger, but still cautiously low. I rolled over, figuring I was hearing things, beside, nobody here knew my name as Sirina. As I pushed my face into the pillow, though, I could hear it stronger. Reaching my hand under the pillow, I extract the broken mirror piece.

"Sirius?" I ask, rubbing my eyes groggily. "It's the middle of the night!"

"I couldn't contact you in the day, now could I?" He rolls his eyes playfully. "Anyway, what do they know, and how did they take it?"

"I told them Remus adopted me," I whisper, "That I know about the order, and I've met many people. Oh, and I know about you."

"Brilliant." He nods, his voice still hushed as was mine. "Anything else?"

"I said I didn't really meet the twins at Diagon Alley, they are supposed to keep an eye out on me here." I explain, thinking back. "Make sure everything goes all right."

"Good, good." He nods. "I miss you, Sirina..."

"I miss you too.." I try a smile, but yawn instead, causing Sirius to laugh slightly.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now