Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I don't know if you should tell me..." Harry says carefully.  "I'm starting lessons specifically about my dreams with Snape... And I don't know if you want him in your head too Ri..." He frowns, sitting cross legged on my bed.

"I mean... I guess you're right... But..." I sigh, laying on my stomach facing him. "I guess it can wait..."

"Brilliant." He half smiles. "Ready to go back?"

"Eh, so so?" I shrug. "I'm not ready to leave Sirius again. I can't even freely write to him..."

"Yea, I know he feeling.." Harry frowns.  "At least we have each other..." He shrugs.

I nod, rolling over and laying my head in his lap. "Except that nobody can know." I sigh.

"We can." He forces out. "And that's all that matters." I smile up at him, happy that he finally understands. That he gets what I've been saying about keeping it low.

"Harry, Sirina?" Sirius comes into my room, smiling as he sits by us. "It's almost time to leave."

I cling to Sirius, hugging him as tightly as ever, wishing the moment would last forever. It only got better as Harry joined, and Sirius hugged us both, allowing us to breath in his scent one last time before returning to Hogwarts, not being able to see him again until the summer.

He regretfully allows us to leave with the others, on the Knight Bus. I truly wasn't excited, though the Weasley's all seemed to be. I turned out to be right to not be excited, as the trip was awful. Banging around, falling, going way too fast. Just terrible.

We had to walk to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade, which wouldn't have been as bad if it weren't so cold. I stayed by Fred and George now, since any teacher of Hogwarts would be confused if Harry was paying attention to me rather than Ron and Hermione.

I remained out of everyone's way as classes started up again. I just wanted some rest and time to myself to think, and I think everyone got the memo and left me alone. I promised Charlie I would write him soon, though I hadn't felt like doing so yet. It'd been a few weeks, and I really was overdue with sending letters.

"Rosie," I look up as one of my ginger idiot twins sits beside me on a sofa by the fire, "you've got a letter, Emiliani brought it earlier today... I just forgot." He pauses before handing it to me, "also, you should check on her... She seems... Off.."

"Thanks Georgie." I smile, taking the letter, "what do you mean by off?" I question.

"Don't know... Just, wasn't right... You know?"

"Yea, I'll check on her. Is she in the owlery?" I stand and fix my clothes, waiting for an answer.

He nods, "I would assume so... Yea.."  He pauses for a moment, "want me to come with you?"

"Uh, sure... I guess.." I shrug, waiting for him to follow me out.  We walk to the owlery in mostly silence, I couldn't help but wonder where Fred was.   When we got up to the owlery Emiliani flew straight at me, and curled into my arms. Her feathers were ruffled and she had wider eyes than normal.  "What's wrong girl?" I cooed, petting her feathers.  She just chirped away.

"She just seems scared..." George sad, frowning as he carefully pet her head. "What's she afraid of?"

"I don't know.." I admit, I've never seen her scared like this.  She's flown past dragons, other owls, assorts of animals, and never has she reacted this way.

"Hm, who's the letter from?" George asks. Just as I was about to answer Emiliani screeched and puffed her wings up, revealing a small unfamiliar item tucked away underneath. George stopped me from answering and pointed to it, "what's that?"

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now