Chapter Thirty-One

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"Can you promise me something?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, tilted his chin down, and looked at me over his glasses. "This is an extremely important task."

"Anything." I nod, setting down my cup of tea. We'd been in his office chatting and eating biscuits for hours. This must be my 4th cup of tea.

"I told you I may be leaving, did you tell anyone?" He asks, "anyone... Harry, Hermione, the Weasley's?"

"No, sir." I answer honestly, "it didn't feel like I should share that bit of information."

"Good, good..." He purses his lips, "as a member of the Order, I'm going to give you a task."

I nod, widening my eyes ever so slightly.

"Once I am gone, Umbridge is likely to become head mistress." I must have made an awful face, because he laughed ever so slightly. "I would like you to keep an eye on our younger pupils, while I'm sure our prefects will do this, you understand the dangers much better than they do." He touched my hand lightly, where there are still scars from Harry's punishment. "You will also be the eyes and ears between the Order and Hogwarts."

I nod. Taking in my responsibilities. "But, how am I supposed to relay information without my letters being intercepted?"

"Ah, that's where this gets complicated." He sighs, taking a deep breath. "My office will lock itself. Only the true headmaster will be able to enter."

"So...?" I start, but he disregards my voice and continues on his statement.

"While I plan to leave my school in the hands of Minerva after I'm gone, I cannot control that with Umbridge here. She will declare herself head. Which is not how this school works." He stands, turning away from me to gaze at each of the portraits. "Headmaster may only go to someone truly deserving."

"Professor what does that–"

"My office will remain my office until I either die, step down, or am rightfully removed of my position. I plan on remaining until I die, personally." He remains with his back to me, almost ignoring my very existence. "As long as I am headmaster, no other may enter my office."


"While I am away, I am granting you full access to my office. You may enter any time." He turns to me now, taking my hand and pulling me into a standing position. "Sirina, you, will ultimately be headmistress." He linked his arm with mine and walked me around his office, I assume as some sort of tour.

"Dumbledore I–" I was feeling very unsure of his idea at this point.

Cutting me off, he pulls a drape down, revealing a beautifully done portrait of myself. I stared and it blinked back at me. My portrait was rather hidden, but it was here in the office. I shook my head, looking up at Dumbledore.

"I... Can't..."

"Oh sure you can." He nods. "But you mustn't tell anyone. Not even the order. They will know you're in my office, but that's all."

"What about–"

"No students may even know you're in here. It risks Umbridge trying to use you." Somebody was pounding up the stairs. "Ah, it is time." He patted the top of my head, then recovered my portrait. He was so calm as we walked back to the main portion of his office, "in the cupboard, child. Go." I put myself in the wardrobe with Dumbledore's robes.

The door burst open and several people came in, though I couldn't see them all through the tiny crack in the cupboard. I tried to listen, but the cupboard was basically soundproof. I could press my ear to the crack to hear better, but that risked the doors opening.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now