Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Ch. 38

"Harry..." he keeps walking. "Harry!" I Stop him, grabbing his arm to turn and face me. "What's going on?"

"Inside." He takes my hand, continuing to escort me to the tower.

"Tell me what's going on."

"Wait until we are inside!" He hisses.

I bite my lower lip hard, to keep from lashing out. I hate being kept in the dark. I lived my entire life in the dark, I'm not about to let my brother shove me back into it.

He drags me past all of our friends in the common room and up to the boys dormitories. Ron and Neville are sitting on their beds, both looking quite glum. Ron stands, his mouth opens slightly, "No." Harry shakes his head. "A moment?" The boys nod, and leave the room without a word, Neville touches my shoulder lightly as he passes.

I take a seat on Harry's bed, looking up at him as he paces the room. He does this for what seems like eternity. He stops, looking far off out the window. I can't take it anymore.

I stand, fed up, "Harry we have to leave soon, what's going–"

"Sirius is dead."

All of the air leaves my body. My legs collapse as I fall back onto the bed. "You're... you're joking? This... this is just another cover story. Sirius Black is dead, he's no longer at large... he's.. he's safe?"

"No, Sisi... he's gone." He sits beside me, one hand on my leg.


"Bellatrix..." he sighs, "you don't remember... you saw the whole thing through my eyes."

"No!" I stand, shaking my head.


"This isn't funny Harry." I snap, "I'm... I'm going to see Dumbledore." I storm out of the room, running with tears streaming down my face. I ignore everyone; Ginny, Fred, George, Hermione, Lee, Neville, Luna, Draco, Snape. All seemingly wanting to speak to me. Dumbledores office immediately opens to me, I run up the stairs, "DUMBLEDORE."

"Yes, Sirina, I was expecting you'd be stopping--"

"He's lying. Isn't he, sir?"

"Have a seat, child, please." He motions to the chair opposite his at his desk.

"It's not true!" I snap.

"Would you like to break something, child?" He asks calmly. "Your brother has already had a go at most of my possessions, but I'm sure you could find something that might make a crash."

I look around seeing the scattered debris of bottles and statues. I sink into the chair. "It.. it can't be..."

"Dear, Sirius was not living even while living." He doesn't make me face him, or acknowledge him in any way. "He was living a pathetic subset of life... alone, hiding, unwanted... there was never any guarantee he would get out of there... at least now--"

"I know what it's like to live like that." I say, looking up semi in disgust. "Are you saying I'd be better off dead?"

Ignoring me, he continues, "at least now, he's with his friends... who know his innocence. He can watch you from there, with your mother and father."

"Sirius was supposed to be our father now..." I whisper weakly, "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!" I snap, finding my strength. "I have nothing. I can't go to the Dursley's, and Remus won't deem himself fit to care for me."

"The Weasley's are more than happy to take you in," he tells me calmly. "Of course, you're always welcome in Romania as well." He stands, "now, I must insist you go catch the train. Hermione has packed your belongings for you, Harry and Ron have taken them to the train." He pats my head, and motions to the door.

Done with trying to talk to him, I leave the room. Tears still on my cheeks, I make my way through the halls and outside.  I see the large mass of students making their way toward where the train picks us up, but I made no efforts to catch up to them. It wasn't hard to spot my friends, the red hair stood out prominently.

"You know, they're grieving too." Luna was the first to approach me as a arrived, others gave me my space. For some reason I didn't get upset at her statement, coming from her it didn't seem so judgey. "You can talk to them... or me."

"Thanks Luna..." I half smile.

She wrapped her arms around me in a hug, as I hugged her back she smiled and whispered- "owl me this summer, we can get together."

I half chuckle, and nod my agreement, "thank you, Luna."

"Anytime, Sirina." She grinned and skipped away. Only then did I realize- she shouldn't have known I was grieving. She shouldn't know my name. She shouldn't know anything.

Fully ready to question Harry and the others, I walk toward them with purpose. As soon as my mouth opens, Neville sees me and mutters a glum "I'm glad you're well... and, I'm... I'm sorry for your loss." Then shuffles away.

I tried to call out a thanks to him, but he was too far. "Why do they--"

"Later, Sisi..." Harry smiles weakly, "they'll explain later."

I didn't want to sit with anyone, so I sat in a back seat by myself. They understood, and left me to my own. Harry checking on me every so often, of course.

The door opened for the fifth time, "Still doing fine, Harry." I answered without turning. The door closed, and I remained watching the beautiful scenery. I don't think anyone ever just takes time to appreciate it... or maybe they did in their first year, and I'm just so new that--

"Rose?" I snap my head to face Draco, who was sitting across from me. "I'm sorry... just, how are you?"

"I'm fine." I answer flatly.

He nods.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I sigh, not really sure where I was even going.

"It's alright." He shrugs. "You had a lot of people so worried, you know..." he frowns, "and you missed a lot."

"Yeah, I bet."

He nods, smiling a little more now... probably because I'm not shoving him out.  "Gyffindor won House cup, I'm sure you had a lot to do with that... I was bummed of course, but next year- just you wait." I laugh a little as he continues rambling on, "there was a break in at the ministry, the twins were expelled, Peeves has been awful, Umbridge--"

"Wait, what about the twins?!"

"The Weasley boys... uh, Frank and Joe?" He shrugs, "well anyway--"

"Fred and George, continue."

"Okay, anyway.. they summoned their brooms- which were confiscated, I think you should know that part.... they caused a bug ruckus and mess, then flew out of the building." He laughs, "it was kind of brilliant, actually."

I sat back and let him tell me pointless stories about what I've missed, or don't remember.


Hey guys! Wow, it's been a bajillion years since I've updated....
College is rough, let me tell you,

College has made me much less caring, so follow my social medias:
Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope

Also, this is a really short chap because I'm starting to wind down the book...

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now