Chapter Twenty

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"Who are you shopping for?" He asks me, walking down a Muggle lane in London.

"Harry, Remus, Sirius, Ginny, Hermione, the Twins, and Ron." I state happily. "But I'll have to give Sirius his in secret, because I shouldn't be that close with him..." I purse my lips. I was also planning on getting a gift for Charlie, but I won't tell him that.

"Sounds good." He nods. "Any ideas?"

"Nothing." I sigh. "I mean, Ginny will be easiest, I'll just find something. The twins could use a gag item. Hermione...books. I know nothing about Ron, at all. Harry, maybe...broomstick related?"

"What if..." He smirks down at me, "You got Harry a brother sister friendship necklace...and just went SURPRISE!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Remus might kill me." I manage to say between laughs.

"What about Remus and Sirius?" He asks, going back to serious, serious as he can be.

"I already know what I'm doing for Sirius, I just need a nice frame." I explain, thinking to the gift in my trunk. "And for Remus...I'm not really sure. I'm sort of hoping something just...pops out at me."

He laughs, then points to a store, ushering me into it. It looks girly. Maybe something for Ginny?

The inside looked like a glitter bomb had exploded. Stuffed animals with abnormally large eyes were stacked on shelves. Jewelry and makeup were the main focus, though.

A set of rings caught my eye. It was a set of two gold rings, each with a small red colored diamond like stone in the center. Examining them closer, I saw that they had little hearts carved on the inside, alongside the words Friends Forever.

I grab the package, taking in straight to the counter without checking the price. Charlie follows me, without asking questions. I set the package on the counter, and wait for the girl working to charge me.

"50 please." She says, scanning the package with a weird gun thing emitting red light. I rummage through my bag of muggle money until I see one that has a 50 on it, then give it to her. I take the package and leave the store.

"Ginny. Check." I state, dropping the box of rings into my purse.

The day of shopping with Charlie was going wonderfully slow. Each shop had new things. And New York was so different from London.

"Charlie," I whine, leaning against him. "I'm hungry."

"Let's go eat there then.." He puts an arm around me, pointing to a restaurant. We walk into the warm, delicious smelling restaraunt. Each of us holding a few bags.

"Table for two?" A guy asks, he wasn't much older than myself. Maybe 19. Charlie nods. "Right this way sir." The boy says politely, leading us to a small table. "Here are your menus, your server will be by shortly."

"Thank you." I tell him politely.

"Sure thing," he winks before walking back to his post at the front of the restaurant.

I flip through my menu, deciding on a chicken sandwich with a side of fries. The drinks were all weird, no pumpkin juice, tea, or butter beer. Even the soda seemed to be labeled oddly. I glance up at Charlie, who seems to be having as hard of a time as I am.

"This looks good." I state, laying my menu down and pointing to a pumpkin flavored frozen drink. "It might taste like frozen Pumpkin juice." I shrug.

He nods just as a waitress comes to our table. "Hello, I'm Kate, I'll be your server today." She says in a sing song voice. "Can I start you with some drinks?"

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now