Pop One - Sequel

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POP. 1

"Sirina, hello." Aunt Petunia stands to greet me. I hold out a hand, but she gives me a quick hug. Her bony arms and ribs surely bruising my pale skin. "I'm sorry, but I just thought..."

"I was dead?" I smile slightly. "Yes, that seems to be the norm."

She searches in my eyes, my hair, my face, my body. Her lip starts to quiver, "you look..."

"Like Lily." I chuckle softly.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you come home with us, with Harry?"

"Aunt Petunia, why don't you sit down... I'll... I'll try to explain." I pause, glancing at Molly, "if... if I may?"

Molly nods, "your Aunt has the right to know anything you may, Dumbledore trusted her with a lot when she was entrusted with Harry." She touches my arm, "I'll give you some privacy. George?"

"Fred." I laugh as Fred and I speak in unison correcting the woman.

She lets out an exaggerated sigh and leaves the room. Fred messes up my hair and leaves as well. I sit down beside my Aunt and try thinking of words to use.

"Don't you need to stay with your mothers blood in order to be safe? To not be found?"

"I... no? I don't even know what that means." I sigh, "the only way for me to not be found, is to not exist. I... I go to school by the name Rose Evans, I'm not Harry's sister. I'm a muggle born, err... born from no magic parents. Remus, my parents best friend adopted me, and he's supposed to be taking care of me."

"How doesn't he not know you're alive?" She shakes her head, pressing for more.

"He didn't know I existed in the first place." I smile slightly, "he only cared that Harry fit his prophecy, I would have just been a spare... so when we went into hiding, my parents hid me from everyone. I didn't exist."

"And all these years?"

"I was raised by a house elf... a... a servant of sorts, though Paddy was a free elf, she didn't have to take care of me, but she did." I furrow my brow, trying to find words. "Here was a spell of sorts over me, my house... I'm not really sure. But nobody could find me unless a specific person told them where I was. That person was Remus... then Sirius found a note written by Remus that led him to me."

"That isn't telling me why I wasn't notified? Didn't anyone think I should--"

"I'm not supposed to be related to Harry. If anyone was owling you to tell you, it could be intercepted and someone could find out... you don't understand the danger we're in. All of us. Me and Harry, the Weasleys', and really... anyone who helps us." I set a hand on hers, she stiffens for a moment then relaxes. "I'm safer here than I would be with you, Harry's safer with me here than he would be if I was with you."

She sighs.

"Can I ask you a question, now?"

"Anything," she nods, holding both of my hands in hers.

"Why do you care?" I bite my lower lip, knowing it was a harsh questions. But I had to know.

She sighs, twisting her fingers within eachother. The room stayed silent for a few moments before she began to speak, never looking up to meet my eyes.

"I do love you, Sirina... both of you... you and Harry. My entire life I lived in your mothers shadow, she was the prized child. I envied her." Her face shows the pain and anger she felt all those years ago.  "I regret all of that, we were children. I should have grown up and spoken to my sister while I still could. But... I was too proud to, I suppose. Then she came around with your father, and I thought he'd stollen my sister before I had the chance to rekindle any sort of family, I wrongfully blamed him." She looks up at me now, her eyes softer and glistening slightly. "When you were born, I saw my little sister. I saw a second chance... that night, that night I got Harry... I didn't get you. I didn't get Lily. I got Harry... I got James. James stole my sister, and Harry stole my second chance."

"Aunt Petunia..."

"Wait," she sets a hand on my leg, then removes it quickly, "I wish I could say that after this I could treat your brother better, but it's just so hard. I still see James, that snarky... arrogant man. Every time I look at him I'm reminded of everything I should have said to my sister that night, but didn't... because of James."

"But, Harry--"

"I know it wasn't your fathers fault... and of course, Harry is blameless." One single water droplet spills down her cheek. "I hate myself more and more every time I look at him."

I use my thumb to rid her cheek of its wetness, she takes my hand and holds it in my own. "Aunt Petunia, when you look at Harry... I know you see Dad, but... look at my eyes," I wait for her eyes to match mine, "they're the same as--"


"And Harry's." I smile, "Mum is in Harry too."

"You can't tell him any of this, Sirina." She frowns, "he.. he's so proud of James, I don't think he could ever try to understand."

"I won't." I promise, giving her hand a slight squeeze, "but I do think you should."

"Posie! You've gotten another--" Ginny jogs into the room, she freezes seeing me sitting with Aunt Petunia. "Err, Emiliani came back in with another letter..." she sticks out her arm, displaying the letter to me. "Here." I take the letter as she shoots glances between the two of us again, a hint of fire behind her blue eyes, then leaves the room.

"She's a little..." I trail off.

"Scary." Aunt Petunia finishes.

"I prefer the word... intense." I nod. "She's very protective... knowing how Harry's treated... she's just nervous. I'll talk to her."

She nods, a sad look on her face. I glance down at the crumple folded letter, the edges slightly burnt. A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, knowing... the only person who could possibly have a burnt letter is Charlie.


Hi guys!
The first 5(orso) chapters will be summer and a lead in to the story.... obviously it's ideal if you read the first book FIRST. But, in case you need a refresher- the first few chapters will be short and stock full of info.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now