Chapter Twelve

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"Miss Evans!" Professor McGonagall says distractedly. "That, is...well, say the least." She looks away from my work to look at me. "Especially for having started so late."

Hermione nudges my ribs, smiling. Probably thinking she somehow helped me. Though, I tuned her out many hours ago, her constant pointers were getting annoying.

"Ten points to Gryffindor." McGonagall states happily. "Keep up the good work." She smiles at me, then rushes towards a few boys who desperately needed help.

"That's what, 20 points today?" Ron leans over our table.

"Thirty, actually, Ronald." Hermione states. "Flitwick gave her five for answering the question correctly, and another five from Sprout for offering to tidy up the greenhouse after class. Plus the other ten."

I smile, looking down as my face heats up. I didn't like the attention. Obviously I'd never gotten any of it before, so it was weird now.

"Well, I'll be going." Hermione states as we leave the classroom, then turns to me. "I won't be taking Divination." She crinkles her nose. "I'll see you all at dinner!" She calls as she walks down a separate corridor.

I breath out in relief that she won't be whispering in my ear this entire class as well. Though now it was a bit awkward with Harry and Ron. Hermione seemed like the one who made it a point to include me.

They led me through the castle in silence. I was sure we were just about there,

"Oh bloody hell!" Ron gasps.

"What is it?" Harry asks, stopping as well. We both look at Ron expectantly.

"I've left my book in McGonagall's!" He groans. "You two go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later.." He turns, speed walking back the way we came.

"Can't he just Accio?" I mumble, half to myself, half hoping Harry would hear. He heard, but just shrugged. And began walking again, motioning for me to follow.

"It's just up this ladder, now.." He tells me, "Want to go up first?"

"No, you go-"

"Potter, Evans!" I hear a familiar voice call. The two of us turn to see McGonagall, who stops in her tracks. Visibly holding her breath for a moment before walking again. "Mr. Weasley left his book in my class, I suspect he'll be needing it.." She was still eyeing us cautiously.

"Actually, Professor," I start, at the same time Harry begins, "Actually, he just-" he stops, looking at me to continue. "He just went to your room to retrieve it."

She swallows hard. "Well, take it," she hands me the book, "I'll let him know if I pass by him." She gives us another look, then turns walking quickly back down the corridor.

"Anyway, go on up," Harry motions to the ladder. "I'm right behind you."

I bow my head slightly, climbing carefully up the ladder into the dim, tea-scented room. As promised, Harry followed quickly behind and led me to a small circle of three seats.

"This class is a bit..." Harry trails off, looking for a word. "Ridiculous."

I raise my eyebrows, trying to suppress a giggle. "Oh?"

"Well, I've been told I would die the past two years..." He smirks slightly. "I got the death omen my third year, which is-"

"A large black dog." I finish, much to his surprise. "So what happened?" I wanted very much for us to become friends.

He coughs slightly. "Well, I met a large dog. But he definitely wasn't dangerous." He smiled. And I did the math, third year is when Sirius broke out of Azkaban. He was the large dog.

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now