Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Are you ready to go?" Charlie asks, coming into my room. We'd eaten breakfast already, and took a walk down to see Daisy. She was sick, and not playful.

"Yea, I am." I nod, rolling off of my bed. His sweater was very big on me, and my hands were lost in the sleeves.

Stumbling playfully, I fall into Charlie, leaning into him. My lack of sleep was beginning to hit now.

Charlie laughs, supporting me with one arm while he grabs my things with his other. "You should probably take Emiliani by force..." He says quietly.

"She'll come eventually." I shrug, really just not wanting to go to the attic to find her. Charlie laughs, then tightens his arm on me and apparates to the doorstep of headquarters.

Immediately my hand grasps the door to go inside, but Charlie stops me. "Wait," he says, "I... What are we?"

"What?" I turn to look up at him.

"I'm confused, Sirina..." He runs a hand through his hair. "I mean, how do you feel about me?"

I look down for a moment, thinking of exactly what to say. I really liked him, and enjoyed spending time and talking with him–and kissing him of course– but I just didn't know how to say all of that.

"Charlie, I—" the door swings open.

"You're here!" It was Harry. He grabs me away from Charlie, hugging me as tightly as possible.

"Harry...I can't breath..." I manage. He releases me quickly, laughing. "I love you, but...ow..."

His face breaks into a smile. "I love you too!"

I roll my eyes, but don't say anything. He's new with this whole family thing, love and affection and all that. I'll let him get carried away and whatever else.

"Hey Rose! Er... Eh, Sirina.." Ron laughs awkwardly, coming toward me.

"Hello Ron," I smile, giving a small wave.

"Oi, you've got a scar like Harry has!" He gasps, gaping at my exposed forhead. I instinctively reach up to my forehead, then realizing my hair, which was plaited, had grown out too long, and bangs needed to be cut again.

"Er, yea I do..." I laugh lightly, glancing at Harry as he was staring at me.

"Why are we all crowded in front of the door?!" Mrs. Weasley comes in from the kitchen. "Ronald Weasley, are you packed?!"

"Sorry, Mum..." He lowers his head and runs from the room.

"Like I thought." She states triumphantly. "Now you three, in the kitchen, come on now."

I glance around, remembering that Charlie was with us. I give him a small smile before following Mrs. Weasley alongside Harry.

"There's my beautiful little flower!" Sirius came to me as soon as we were in the room. I hugged him as tight as I could.

"Hello Little One!" Remus says, standing beside Sirius and I. I smile up at him, remembering in my dream, my Dad referred to me as Little one, too. "Sirina?"

"Hm?" I shake my head from the thoughts.

"I asked if you're ready to go back to Hogwarts, and if you've had a nice last few days in Romania..." He looks at me closely, cinching his eyebrows together.

"Oh, heh, yea to both." I nod, finally being released by Sirius.

"Good." He nods, then kisses the top of my head. "Tonks said she needs to speak with you?" He shrugs. "She said she'd be here soon, any idea what this is about?"

Sirina Rose PotterWhere stories live. Discover now