Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Charlie, I'm going out!" I call into the silent house. Today, I know, is his day off. But he still hasn't come out of his room. He hasn't spoken to me at all since Christmas, actually.

I wasted time with writing my letter to the twins, hoping maybe he would come out while I was doing that. Then dabbled around in the kitchen. Fed the owls.  Cleaned.

If I could apparate, I would. I don't know where I would go, though, maybe back to Headquarters. Or to Diagon Alley, or even the ministry. After being around people for some time now, being alone made me feel as though I was back in my home with Paddy.

"Hello Rosie!" A voice calls, making me realize I'd been wandering aimlessly down a path. "Wait up!"

I stop, turning to see Charlie's friend Joel. "Hi," I wave back at him, stopping to allow him to jog up to me. "How are you?"

"Fine, thanks." He puffs, "Where's Charlie?"

"Home." I shrug. "Haven't really seen him much."

"Oh, really?" He tilts his head looking down at me. "Weird. He's been saying how weird it will be when you go back to school."

"I doubt it, he'll probably be glad to have his home back." I state, forcing a quiet laugh.

"No not at all!" Joel laughs, tossing an arm over my shoulders as we continue walking wherever we were walking. "He was so excited to have you come, and now dreading your leave."

"I think he's a bit moody to be honest." I sigh. "One second he's hugging me, then he's rude, then we're laughing and playing games, then he shuts me out completely."

"Weird." He agrees. "Maybe you'll just have to come stay with me!" He says in a loud voice.

"Yea maybe!" I say with about as much enthusiasm, laughing as we come back into the space containing homes. Showing I'd gone in a complete circle. "This was not where I planned on ending up.." I laughed, leaning into Joel.

"Yea, me neither.." He says, also laughing.

We tried to stop, but ended up continuing to laugh for several more minutes until I spotted Charlie coming toward us. I sobered up my laughing, but continued to smile.

"Hey Joel, what're you doing with S'Rose?" Charlie asks, a plastic smile stuck on his face.

"Oh, just plotting when she'll move in with me." He answers, squeezing my shoulder lightly and shooting me a wink.

"Not happening." Charlie rolls his eyes, grabbing one of my hands. "Come on Rose, I made lunch."

"It's barely ten in the morning!" I laugh, being dragged toward the house. "Charlie!" I laugh, minorly trying to fight back.

Charlie pulls me into the house, then shuts the door behind me before letting go of my hand. We stare blankly at each other for what felt like a long time.

"So, err, where's this lunch?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. The kitchen counter, where I usually eat, was still bare.

"Oh uh..." He glances around the room, "I didn't actually make lunch." He rubs the back of his neck nervously, "you're just, uh, supposed to stay in here, or with me..."

"Whatever." I fold my arms, plopping myself down on the couch. Daisy was sick, so I couldn't go visit her, and I had no other reason to make him let me out.

"Hey, don't pout..." I look up to see Charlie standing behind the couch looking down at me. I quickly pucker out my bottom lip to make the poutiest face possible. "Sirina don't..." I begin to bat my eyes, sniffling slightly. He closes his eyes, and sighs slowly. "Don't make that face..."

Sirina Rose PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora