02: Childhood Crushes

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CHAPTER TWO: Childhood Crushes

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CHAPTER TWO: Childhood Crushes

"We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us."


As the final moment of the school day approached, Luna felt an unusual surge of energy coursing through her. It was a rare occurrence, she typically found herself drained and in desperate need of a nap by the time the final bell rang. 

But today seemed different, and she couldn't ignore the electric buzz that seemed to run up her veins.

Deciding to put the energy into good use, she thought she might as well tackle some of the books on her long-neglected 'to read' list. But Stiles Stilinski seemed to somehow sense her good mood and had taken it upon himself to be as distracting and annoying as possible to ruin it.

He'd been trailing her all day like a lost puppy, insisting that she come study with him at Scott's house, even though the three of them hardly had any interactions with each other outside of mandatory school projects.

And just when Luna thought she had shaken him off her trail for good, settling into a small nook of shelves in the library. To her surprise, as she reached for a book, a glimpse of Stiles appeared on the other side, staring at her through the small gap she had inadvertently created.

Before Luna could quickly jam the book back in place, Stiles thrust his hand through, knocking some more books off the shelves to create a makeshift window for him to lean in through.

"Come on, Luna! Scott's gonna be there, and remember your huge crush on him back in fourth grade?" Stiles whined. And does he seriously think that bringing up embarrassing childhood memories would somehow convince her?

It just made her want to jump off the nearest building!

In frustration, Luna slammed the book shut, the sound echoing through the library. With deliberate force, she returned it to its rightful place on the shelf, much to Stiles' annoyance. "Fine, if you really want me to come, then okay. But let me make it clear—I already have straight A's in every subject, so I'll just be there to eat all the food and watch your cute little butts pathetically fail at everything!" It was only after the words already left her mouth that she realized the unintended comment about their butts. A mischievous smirk crept across Stiles' face, and the thought about jumping off a building earlier just came back tenfold. Nice one, Luna.

"Shut up." she groaned, covering her face with another book from the shelf.

"I didn't say anything," Stiles said innocently.

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