10: Avatar The Last Airbender

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CHAPTER TEN: Avatar The Last Airbender

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CHAPTER TEN: Avatar The Last Airbender

"You don't need to live to fulfill others' expectations. Live for yourself, love yourself and do not let them tell you that it's selfish."


Blinding lights were the first thing that greeted Luna when she blearily blinked her heavy eyelids open. She desperately tried to pull her blanket over her face, hoping to create some semblance of darkness and comfort. But in her hazy state, she realized that her legs were left uncovered and it felt like she was oddly exposed all of a sudden.

The discomfort extended beyond the blinding lights or the small blanket; the surface beneath her was cold and uncomfortable as well. It definitely wasn't the cozy familiarity of her own bed. As when she attempted to roll over and find a more comfortable position, she ended up face-planting straight onto the unforgiving concrete floor.

That was the moment Luna's foggy mind fully grasped the fact that she was somewhere that wasn't home. Somewhere unfamiliar.

"You're awake," a voice cut in through the haze in Luna's mind, resonating in her ears with a pulsating intensity that made her flinch back. She buried her head in her arms, attempting to ease the queasiness rising in her stomach. It kind of felt like a hangover. Not that she knew what being hungover was like seeing as she's never been drunk before.

Well, at least not blackout drunk.

"Where the fuck...?" Luna mumbled, her words trailing off as she struggled to reorient herself. When she peaked out from behind her hands, her bleary gaze met the unwavering stares of Deaton and Derek. Their crossed arms and intense expressions made her feel like nothing more than a stupid little bug under a magnifying glass. Disgusting and weird but strangely fascinating to look at.

It was disconcerting, to say the least. Especially considering she never expected someone like Derek Hale to be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Unless, of course, it was a dream.

Luna momentarily entertained the notion that maybe she was just caught in a dream within a dream. A weird inception where waking up only led to another layer of the subconscious. It's happened before. Going through a whole day of school in her dreams only to wake up and have to relive that particular type of hell all over again.

But the very real pain of falling off the table indicated otherwise.

"Why am I here?" Luna mumbled. She could feel her face heating up under their stares but powered through it all to squint up at them. She vaguely remembered going to the rave and making the circle of mountain ash with Stiles, but everything beyond that was a little. . .

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