17: Deadly Thoughts

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"Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic."


Luna sat with her book bag at her feet and her fingers unconsciously dancing along the beads of her bracelet, lost in thought. The woman across the desk observed her with a patient expression.

"You know, there was something my mom told me after my dad's funeral that's always stuck with me," Luna began, her voice carrying a hint of pensiveness. "She told me that pain is a part of life that we can't escape or run from no matter how hard we try, but that we can learn to live with. It's like a wound that needs time to heal. And while it may leave a scar, it also makes us stronger and wiser."

Luna rolled a bead between her fingers, feeling along the small grooves before pulling it away from the thread holding the bracelet together. But even as she tugged, the thread held up. She stared at it, "We can't let the pain we feel rule our lives, or else that wound will just keep bleeding and bleeding until there's no more blood left."

"Are you saying that you think Matt just let himself bleed?" Morrell asked, alluding to something without saying it.

Ah, yes. The biggest twist from the night everything went down. Matt's death.

After the ordeal at the station, Luna had woken up in the hospital with an IV bag of fluids in her arm and her mom in the chair next to her, half out of her mind, but none the wiser about the supernatural world. Apparently, Luna had extremely low blood pressure, was dehydrated, and sleep deprived. All of which were a result of the crazy events happening in the past few days. It also was a major contributor to her fainting spell.

Off the record though, she called Deaton afterwards and he confirmed her personal theory about how she was also experiencing overexertion due to using her powers for an unusually extended period of time without building up a tolerance to them.

Deaton also filled her in on a lot of the things she missed afterwards. About Allison's involvement with Gerard and her attempt to kill Derek. It was a betrayal to all of them but especially to Scott who didn't seem all that present in the following days, sticking to himself at school and heading home straight after.

And apparently, to make matters even worse, Matt's body was found by a creek. Death by self-inflicted drowning according to the news, but they knew better. Someone killed Matt to take control of the Kanima.

But it wasn't like Luna could say any of that, could she? It was the biggest weight on her shoulders but nobody in their right mind would believe her.

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