13: Now What?

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"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."


When they got to the Sheriff's station, the three teenagers made sure to stay behind the older man. Mostly because he was the only one that could get them through and because they were all well aware of Stiles' less-than-stellar history with the people who worked there.

The night officer lady behind the front desk glanced up from her work, her expression filled with disinterest as she pinned a wary eye on the group. "It's two in the morning," she grumbled to the Sheriff, her tone conveying annoyance.

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't extremely important," Stiles' dad responded in a hushed tone as he leaned on the counter. With a tired sigh, the lady handed him the key to his office, seemingly resigned to their presence. After all, she wasn't getting paid enough to stop the former Sheriff from entering the office he's worked in for well over a decade.

As they walked, Stiles laid out the plan. "Let's look at the hospital stuff first. All the murders were committed by Jackson, except for one, remember?"

"The pregnant girl, right?" Luna answered. It was hard to forget that particular detail. How Jackson was too emotionally linked to the pregnant girl to kill her since it reminded him of his own tragic birth story. The whole situation was on a whole other level of fucked up, but at least it offered a little insight into Jackson's capacity for emotions even though they were buried deep somewhere in his cold heart.

"Since Matt had to kill her himself, somebody from the hospital had to have seen him." He finished.

As soon as the sheriff unlocked his former office, Stiles ran towards the desktop, but his dad beat him to it with a hand holding him back by the scruff of his jacket. The man gave his son one look but it was enough for Stiles to pout and stop trying to run. Then the sheriff sat calmly and opened the laptop up, typing away as Stiles hovered uncomfortably close over his shoulder. 

Meanwhile, Scott and Luna looked through some of the files about the victims. The goal was to find anything about them that linked directly to Matt that they may have overlooked before. 

"There's nothing," Luna concluded, slapping her file back down on the desk next to Scott's already abandoned one. She and Scott moved to stand by Stiles so all three of them were hovering over the sheriff's shoulder to try and take a peak.

After about fifteen minutes of scouring the surveillance footage from the night Matt killed the pregnant woman, they came up empty-handed. It didn't make sense. Perhaps Matt had found a way to bypass the cameras, like crawling through the air vents or something. But he didn't look like the athletic type to Luna. There was no way he'd be able to hoist himself up.

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