11: Hallucinations

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Hallucinations

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Hallucinations

"I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else."


Luna decided to let Stiles handle the task of carrying the present to Lydia's door by himself. She knew that if she attempted to help, their combined clumsiness would likely result in both of them tumbling right off the porch. After all, she had already endured enough embarrassment and pain for one day, thanks to what Scott said. The last thing she needed was another awkward moment to haunt her forever.

Stiles grumbled a little about why she couldn't just use her new powers to levitate the box up the stairs, but Luna just ignored him, tapping her foot impatiently after ringing the doorbell.

They waited for Lydia to answer the door, and when she did, a wide smile greeted them along with a tray of drinks.

"Luna! Come- uh, what's that?" Lydia asked, her gaze shifting to the box Stiles was struggling with her smile dropped into a bewilderment. Meanwhile, Luna couldn't help but feel surprised by the warm welcome she received before Stiles ruined it. Lydia seemed genuinely happy to see her, which was pretty unusual. 

But then again, considering that neither Allison nor Jackson seemed to be coming, it made sense for Lydia to want to latch on to someone in the meantime. Despite being popular, she didn't seem to have many close friends.

This realization only intensified Luna's bad mood. She couldn't help but think that she was always the substitute, the replacement for someone else.

Or as Scott put it, nothing and nobody.

"Happy birthday, Lydia!" Stiles greeted, completely oblivious to Luna's inner turmoil. His head peaked out from the side of the box to reveal an absolutely radiant smile.

However, Lydia seemed to totally ignore his presence, paying more attention to Luna instead. "How have you been?" She asked, fully turning her body to face Luna directly.

At least Luna wasn't alone in experiencing heartbreak from an unrequited crush that night.

"I've been good," Luna mumbled, scanning the room for any sign of Scott.

"Okay, but you should definitely try the punch," Lydia insisted with a tight smile, pushing a drink into her hand without waiting for a response. Luna tilted the glass a little to slosh it around, the red-tinged liquid was oddly bubbly, almost like it was soapy. Nevertheless, she decided to drink it anyway when she spotted Scott making his way over to them.

Liquid courage.

"Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" she asked him awkwardly, still a little wary of his earlier outburst in the jeep. She didn't want to seem too affected though because the last thing she needed was someone to analyze her feelings.

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