Chapter 2: See You Again

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Kathryn: Seeing Harry was like something from a dream. I mean, I could barely remember seeing him last time. Now here he was, a superstar hottie asking to have my number so we coukd get together. No Kat. He's the same guy you knew when you were 12, no different. Why did it feel so different, yet the same. I know that doesn't make sense. That's why its so mind boggling. I wasn't used to things not makin sense. Everything was so wierd about talking to him. But, I liked it.


The next day I was on my way to coffee with my music group. My guitar was strapped to back and I was nearly running, pulling my hair into a ponytail as I did. Needless to say, I was late. I was running and not watching were I was going. I ran into a guy standing in front me, causing him to stumble. "Woah," he said. I recognized the voice instantly.

"Harry?" I asked, grabbing his hand to steady him. Suddenly he was shocking me. Only he wasn't. Metephoricly people. It was like electricy was going through him in to me. I let go of his hand and blushed.

"Kat?" he asked, "Are you stalking me?"

"Funny I was about to ask you the same question," I said, tucking a stray strand of my off blond hair behind my ear.

"Sure. You blame me," he said, making a face of mock hurt.

"You know, in the crime shows, the person always blames it on someone else," I said, shrugging.

"That would mean it would be you since you contradicted me," Harry said. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. I have time to stalk you," I said, trying a new approach.

"If you don't have time I definatly don't have time," he said, "You know, world renown singer."

"Mm," I said, "Ego's like that are really a drag you know."

"At least I'm not the one stalking a famous singer," he retorted.

"Touche," I said, raising my eyebrow.

Harry: Why did she have to be so cute. With her eyebrow raised like that, she may as well have been screaming how cute she was. How hot she was. I felt myself blushing. No Harry. Think of Anna. Think of Anna. THINK OF ANNA.

"I should go," Kat said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I'll see you around," I said. Kat nodded before she decended into the crowd of people. I bit my lip and continued walking, my one-track-mind on Kat.

Kathryn: You know how after something happens and you show up someplace or have to do something you just can't concentrate. That was how I was during my whole music group. I pretty much just ran with whatever, not paying nearly enough attention. Anytime I would try to concentrate, I would find my mind drifting to Harry. The thing was was that I knew he had a girlfriend. I knew he wouldn't be with me. And I knew we would never last. Still, I found myself fantasizin. Why? What was he to me? He was an old best friend. Nothing else.

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