Chapter 11: HIS Place

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Kathryn:    The next day Harry came and knocked on my door. I opened it, "What's up Buttercup?" 

"That ones new," Harry laughed, walking in. I smiled. He looked around, "Do you ever get bored, always hanging out a your place?" 

"Yes, but, your point?" I asked. 

"Do you, I don't know, want to see my place?" Harry asked. 

"Sure," I said, shrugging. 

"What's the shrug for?" Harry asked. 

"Just never thought you'd ask thats all," I said, grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment.

Once we were outside I stopped dead in my tracks. "Woah," I said. His car was beautiful. 

"You like it?" he asked. 

"It's amazing," I said, "What is it." 

"An Audi R8," Harry said, smiling as he got in. 

"Perks of being a superstar I guess," I muttered under my breath. "How fast does this thing go," I asked, once I was in the car.

"To be honest, I don't know yet," Harry said as he hit the gas hard and we rocketed into the street. 

We pulled up at a huge, decadent apartment building moments later. "Holy crap that thing is fast," I said as we got out of the car. 

"Yeah," Harry said. 

"Dang I love that car," I said. He smiled. 

"What do you drive?" Harry asked. 

"A 2006 Ford Fusion. Hardly that car," I said, pointing back to his car. 

"The Fusion's not bad," Harry said. 

"Would I catch you riding around in it?" I asked. 

"I don't know," Harry said. I laughed. 

"My point exactly," I said. We walked into the building, and I was immediately overwhelmed. Everything was marble and ornate. There was evergreen trims and deep wood tones. The floor I walked on was polished so well I could almost seemyself. I felt silly walking on it with my old Reeboks. 

"Mr. Styles," a posh looking middle aged man said as we passed. Harry nodded and smiled. 

"Who was that?" I whispered to Harry once we had passed. 

"I don't really have a clue," Harry said. I laughed. 

"Hazzah!" a voice I recognized called. It was Louis. 

"Lou, what's up?" Harry asked. 

"Not much? Kat, whats going on," Louis asked. 

"Um, following Harry through a building I am way underdressed to even be in," I said, smiling. Louis laughed. 

"That's what Sarah said when I first showed her what is now our apartment," Louis said. 

"Sarah?" I asked. 

"Oh, sorry, I forget you haven't met her. That's my wife," Louis said, smiling. 

"Oh," I said. 

"So you want to keep going, Kat," Harry asked. 

"Yeah, I gotta get going. We're out of coffee with not so much of a night's sleep," Louis said before turning and walking away. 

"Was he...?" my voice trailed off. 

"Well, for one thing, we think he's going insane now. Another is they have a new born," Harry said. I nodded, glad he cleared that up. 

We got into an elevator and Harry pressed the button for 7. The elevator moved smoothly. Finally the door dings open and I stepped out. We walked down to the end of the hall to see 7C. 

"I was really bummed. 1D was taken," Harry said. I laughed. He opened the door and I found myself melting. As I walked in, deep toned plush carpet greeted my feet. Creamy toned walls surrounded me. On the oposite wall, a door lead out to a belcony. Around the corner there was deep wood cabinets, along with stainless steel apliances. All the furniture was higher priced than I would own within the next 20 years. The TV on the wall was a miricle it was staying up, along with a soundsystem of most recording studios. The apartment ran into a hallway that I knew had bedroom(s). 

"You like it?" Harry asked. 

"Its way amazing," I said. Sudddenly my apartment really did seem boring.  And super  ugly. 

"Thanks," Harry said. 

"May I ask, how much do you make per month?" I asked, sitting on the couch. 

"It veries. But to give you an idea, I get paid whenever I show up at an interview, everytime, someone buys a song of ours, anytime we sell any merchandise, anytime we are featured in a magazine, everytime we have a concert, anytime we go to a photoshoot, and many other times," I said. Now I thought of how often I saw them in tabloids, I saw a teenage girl wearing a shirt. 

"Geeze," I said. Harry laughed. 

"Yeah," he said. 

"Well," I said, putting my feet up, "I could get used to this." 

"Definatly," Harry said, flopping into a chair. 

"So does Anna live here with you?" I asked. 

"Yeah. When she's here. She has her own apartment in New York too," Harry said. I nodded. We sat in his apartment, chatting for hours. 


Harry:    We walked out to the car. Kathryn got in and closed the door. I saw her move inside the tinted windows. I pulled the handle, only to find it was locked. Kathryn laughed machieviously. 

"Let me in!" I said. Kat crossed her arms and smiled. So I pulled the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. 

"You're no fun, you know that?" Kat asked once I got in. I laughed. 

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