Chapter 25

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When I wake I found myself in front of the biggest house I had ever seen. "We're home," he said making my heart stop. The words sounded warm and gentle, it scared me a little. Getting out of the car, Connor walked to the back of the car to grab my bags.

Meow, hiss!

Sparks ran up my spine as I rushed to the trunk to find Mr. Piccolo hissing angrily at Connor. "Piccolo," taking my hands out to pick him up. Letting me do so I rubbed my face in his soft fur. "You were not going to let me go this time, were you?" I asked, giggling. Connor coughed, getting my attention. "What do you want?" I spat.

"If your going to help do so, or just go inside," he seemed upset.

"Fine," I said rubbing my face in Piccolo's fur. I made my way to the front door letting myself in. A staircase stood in front of me and an entry to a room next to it. On my right was a hallway and same on the left. Confused on to where to go Mr. Piccolo jumped out of my arms and ran down the right hallway. We made a couple turns and then up a staircase, and then some more turns.

What is this cat doing? I followed the cat to a dark room. Quickly I slipped in and shut the door behind me. Finding the light switch I turned it on and found Mr. Piccolo getting ready to sleep on the plain black bed. "Really all that for a bed? Come on this isn't our room," I said making my way over.

'Dear, Connor,' I remembered something, making my head hurt, I found myself walking to a desk for support. Shutting my eyes I rubbed my head. The pain eased down, when my eyes open to look at an envelope with Connors name on it, with my hand writing. For some reason I took the envelope and read the letter. For a moment I wanted to cry but didn't. I put the letter back in the envelope and got down on my knees to shove it under the bed.

I'm not leaving, again. Just remembering him asking me to come back, saying sorry, I don't think I have it in my heart to do it again. He, he needs me or is it that I need him. Adjusting myself I let my butt rest on the floor. "Ray, Ray," a child called. I heard little footsteps came to the door, the doorknob moved about, opened, and a small face came through the crack. "Ray, Ray," the girl turned her head towards me. Her eyes became wide, and her mouth in an O shape. "Mama," the little girl said.

The little girl had dark chestnut hair and bright green eyes. She had to be at least three or so. Her tiny body walked in the room, throwing the door wide open as she stood there as if afraid to move. "Mama," she asked again.

"River?" I questioned. She smiled from ear to ear, jumping up and down she rushed over, and tackled me between the bed and her.

"Mama, mama, mama," she said it over and over again, rubbing her face in my chest. Trying to breath I gave her a little smile and rubbed her back.

"River," my voice cracked, followed by tears. I finally took her in a big hug, not letting go. She wrapped her tiny arms around me.

"Missed you," she cried, digging her face into me.

"I missed you too," trying to hide the shakiness of my voice. Closing my eyes I let my cheek rest on her small head. She remembers me, and calls me mama. But does she know I'm not her real mother? Flashbacks of the red tent came to my mind. The painful cries of both mother and child. 'Take care of my baby, please. My baby,' tears escaped me.

River moved back to look at as she whipped the flowing river on my face. "Don't cry, we'll never be apart right?" I gasped and took her in another huge.

"Mommy loves you," I said saying the same last words her mother had said.

"I know," she whispered. I was afraid to answer her question. I'm not leaving but if something were to happen. No I can't talk like that. I won't think those things.

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