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Connor sat at the computer desk. All he could do for the past seven weeks was locking himself in his room. Rachelle had come and go, leaving him meals that he never finishes. But every time he ate, he felt sick. Every bit was disgusting as the next. Ever since Dawn sacrificed herself, Melantha has been missing.

Dead or not Connor wanted her found. He wanted answers. Losing Nina was one thing but Dawn was different. There was something about Dawn that Connor couldn't put his finger on. She was just a naïve child that had so much care, kindness, and love to give. She saved River and I many times, he thought.

Saved River from death, and hunger. Saved him from loneliness, and helped him love again. Just her being by his side he felt warm and loved. She didn't need words or actions to tell him. He felt it. She was his light in the darkness. No matter how he saw it. He wished for her to come back the most.

Smiling to himself he heard a knock on the door. "Come it." He said calmly.

"Are you not going to see her?" Rachelle came in with a tray in hand. There was nothing but a glass of blood.

"She's gone."

"Will you still not see her? There is something you must know and you keep dismissing me."

"I will not hear of it again, Rachelle! If I hear one word about her again, I will burn your village down." He yelled. He had heard that they put Dawn in the green house. But Connor never went to see her. He didn't want to believe that she was really gone and he thought if he stayed here long enough that she will come.

"Fine but don't be surprised when the time comes." She placed the tray on the desk in front of him.

What did she meant by that, he thought. Don't be surprised? He quickly grabbed the glass and started to chug the blood down his throat. Once he finished he slammed the glass on the tray, shattering it into pieces. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. Leaning himself in his chair he stared at the ceiling.

"Craven, when I find you. I will kill you." Like he promised. Crevan had let him live. He drank Dawn's blood and when he drank the last drop his veins turned green and he started to cough. Crevan then left keeping his hands on his throat. When help came Crevan was no where to be seen.

No one knew if he died or lived. Whatever was in Dawns blood it must have been poison. If she was really his daughter that meant she must have had powers but what was it? Could she have been able to make her blood poison? If so Connor hoped that she killed him. But then again he hoped that Crevan was still alive so he could kill him.

"Aww," Connor leaned a little more making himself fall back. "Shit. Mother fu..." he took a whiff in the air and smelt Dawn's smell. It was faint but it was there. He looked under the bed and saw something. Getting up he fixed the chair and bent down to look under the bed.

Reaching under the bed he grabbed a letter. Looking at it. It had his name on it. Opening the envelope he started to read.

'Dear Connor,

If you're reading this, it means I'm gone. I want to let you know that everything will be okay and whatever happens to me it's not your fault. Its mine, and whatever I do I know it was for you and River. So please watch over her for me. But before you throw this letter away I want to tell you I hate vampires, but I trust you.'

"Dawn." He whispered. Getting up on his feet he started running to her. To his Dawn.

'One more thing, I know you can't get over 'her' and that sometimes you look through me and see 'her', and call out 'her' name when you're not thinking.'

"Your wrong Dawn." He thought running.

'But would you be okay with me, would you love me more than 'her'. To tell the truth I don't want to hear the answer to that right now.'

Connor ran up to the open doors of the green house. Taking those few steps he slowed down.

'What I want to say is Connor, I love you. And if you are the same just say it'

He walked around the shelves full of blooming flowers.

'and I'll be by your side in a heartbeat.'

Laying in a bed he saw her with a needle in her arm, giving her blood.

'So for now, forgive me Connor, I love you'

"Dawn." He said walking to her side. He looked at her hand and slowly slid his hand under hers.

"Daddy?" Connor turned around to look at the little voice.

He smiled. "Hello River."

She smiled back as she walked over to the other side of the bed and sat on the chair that sat close to Dawn. "Ray Ray says that mommy will be okay. That she's in a 'vampire coma'. So she needs blood so she doesn't die."

Connor smiled at the news as he looked back at Dawn. She was going to be okay. So when or if she wakes she will be like him.

"Daddy! Put your ear on her belly. Its faint but you can hear it." River smiled.

He looked at her as if he was confused. Slowly he placed his ear on Dawns belly and heard a strange sound that a belly wouldn't make. Tears fell from his eyes. It could be. Two little heartbeats.

"Dawn." He kissed her pale lips. "Come back to me soon because I love you more. I will always love you."

Look out for book two, 'Don't Runaway', OUT NOW!

WARNING: It's in different point of view but it is the same story. 

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