Chapter 9 (Edited)

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I woke to River's cries, getting up I took off my dress. "Okay River," picking her up I let her suck on my nipple. She sucked hard, making me gasp. But I knew that I didn't have milk to give, this must be torture for her. Bearing with it, I watched the door. The room was dark and Connor never came back, jerk.

I walked over to the door where I remembered there was a switch. Turning it on, I had walked back to the bed. Half way walking to the bed, I stopped. Connor's desk chair was by the closet door, with him sitting in the chair. He woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," he said with a yawn. But the moment his eye adjusted, they widened. Twirling in his chair he hit his knee on the closet door. "Son of a... Where the fuck are your clothes? Why the fuck are you naked? Fucking, bitch, that hurt like a motherfucker," he cried in pain.

"I thought you left," I really tried not to smile.

"I was coming back," we looked at each for some time until he looked down, and I mean down. Crossing my leg, he admittedly looked up. 

"Open your legs," he ordered, "and don't say no," he smiled.

"I have a baby," I said calmly.

"I'm not doing anything, I just want to see," he crossed his leg and watched.

"Pervert, I need milk for the baby."

"Behind you," looking behind me I say the gallon of water and formula even a baby bed. He really came back.

"Make a bottle, quickly," I said as I rushed to the bed. I looked over to him still sitting there. "It's been three days of no food, she's going to die, move your ass," he didn't move. "I'll do it, just get the bottle," I hate him.

He made his way to the desk and made the bottle. It took some time but he did it. He handed the bottle to me as I rubbed the nipple on her lips next to my nipple. She took the bottle and sucked. Thank you god, thank you. 

"I fed her two hours ago so it's not her first ever meal," he said.

"You fed her?" he nodded, "and changed her?" Now I'm suprised.

"No, a maid did that," he smiled. He looked me up and down with a smile, "now open your legs."

"Aren't you grossed out with my body, these scars, and my past?"

Making eye contact, I held my breath, "No, and your ex-lover, did he mind your scars?"

Was he talking about Mr. Piccolo? "No, and he's not an ex," he didn't seem to mind.

"Did he touch you?" he asked. I looked at River as she moved her head.

"Lots of times," I tried to put the nipple in her mouth as I gazed up. Connor stiffed and then glared.


"All over," I thought it was the right answer.

"Open your legs," he said once more.

"Can't this wait," his eyes became hard as he placed his hands on both my knees.

"I'm your master and you listen to me. You do as I say, no ifs, ands or buts," I looked away as I found that River had finished her bottle. I put her on my shoulder and patted her back as Connor ran his hand up and down my leg. My heart started to beat fast, and my inner core started to ache. I think I'm the pervert here.

Once River burped, Connor took her and rocked her to the baby bed. Placing her in the bed, I tried to put on my dress. I felt a gust of wind blow at me as hands pulled me down on the bed. Just like last time. 

"Your heart is beating so fast. Do you enjoy this?" he asked.

"Do you? We really got to stop ending up like this," he kissed me hard as his tongue invaded my mouth. I felt his knee rub between my legs. Trying to pull up to get his knee away but I failed. I moaned.

"Shh, you'll wake the baby," he came down and sucked on my left nipple. This was crazy, and so perverted.

"We need to stop," moaning, I found myself getting wet. "This is wrong," he let go of my hands as he explored my body. Taking a hold of the bed sheet, I felt his finger rubbing in and out of my body. It became painful to the point that I punched him in the face.

"It hurts," I said quickly. He played with his jaw a little until he moved his hand away from him face. Looking at his finger, he saw the blood. He licked it off as his fangs slide out.

"You're a virgin," his eyes turned to red. He came down to my legs and separated my folds. I heard him sniff in my sent as I gasped.

"Don't do that, I haven't taken a bath."

I felt his tongue slide in, holding my breath, my heart was beating so fast, I couldn't take it. "Stop, please, your killing me," lifting his head, watching me. "I can't take this. I didn't agree to all this," I felt like I just ran a marathon. "The moment we meet, when your sister attacked me, trying to save River from dying. It's too much," tears ran down my cheeks. When did I become such a cry baby?

"My sister attacked you?"

"Yes, she cut off my hair! You never asked me about my hair. Is sex all that's on your mind? That you can't see what's different about me?!" I'm naked and talking like a nagging wife. I'm so out of it.

"I will have a word with her," he said calmly.

"Don't bother, I hit her," he lifted a brow. "She called me a whore, and said that River may as well be dead."


"Would I lie about something like that?"

"I don't know, would you?" It was my turn to lift the eyebrow. He backed up and folded his arms, I didn't know if he was challenging me or just thinking. 

"How did you get the kid?" So I told him what happened with his sister, with Rachelle, leading up to the red tent, to River. And what do I get for saving the infant, "you should've left her. That's are how the lycans live."

"Killing innocent lives?" I whispered-yelled.

"It's how it is, we don't mess with their way of life and they don't mess with ours. Take her back," shaking my head no, he sighed. "I am your master, and I want you to take her back."

"If I remember correctly it was your mother who asked me to take care of you. Meaning, I'm your master."

"Really, and who was the one begging for food," he smiled.

"Who's the bitch that fetched the food and came back for a reward," I smiled back. Ha, what you got now? That reminded me, my promise. I can eat now that River ate. I got up and stared at Connor as he shifted. "I'm hungry," I said.

"Oh," he was upset.

"Can you get me some food," I asked nicely.

"Why should I?" Oh he was very upset.

"Because I'm weak, and forgot were the kitchen is, plus River needs to be changed. I don't think you'd want to change her," I said. He nodded and headed out before I could say anything else. I have him wrapped around my fingers.

I quickly put on my dress as I walked over to the sleeping infant. Studying her I couldn't help remembering her mother. 'Take care of my baby, please. My baby.' Her mother wanted her to live. But why would the lycans live that way? Why would Rachelle want to do that? These things I don't know, and now, I have a mess on my hands.

River shook her head from left to right, she stretched her little fingers out and then made them into a fist once more. She took a deep breath, almost laughing I touched her belly and rubbed it. 

"You're lucky to be alive, you know that? Even when you were suffering, you were able to hold on. And now look at you, your sleeping peacefully. I'll protect you, I promise."

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