Chapter 34

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"96,563." It has been over a day since Crevan left. "96,564." I have been counting the seconds, waiting. "96,565." My body is weak and I can barely keep myself up anymore. "96,566." I haven't slept and I don't wish to. Every time I get too close to sleep I hear those horrifying sounds. "96,568."

Thinking back to what life use to be. I remembered Morgan sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand. She was smiling. This made me smile. I could feel the warmth of the room and the sweet sound of music. The sound of the music filled my ears as I watched Morgan's lips move but nothing was coming out.

She turns her head to the side as I do the same. The next room was pitch black with a single light from the ceiling shining down. Two little girls were play with dolls. Giggling and laughing. Slowly they turned their head and smiled. I didn't know them but they seemed to know me. Rushing to their feet they came running towards us.

Looking back to Morgan she was gone. In her place was Connor. He tilted his head with a smile and reached for my hand. Extending my hand out to him the room became black. Nothing but darkness. Connor? Morgan? Where are you?

A sudden light from above me turned on. Looking away I shielded my eyes. It swung from left to right. "Little one." A soft voice called out. "Little one."

"No. No! Stay away from me!" I yelled.

Panting in my sweat, I shivered. I realised that was imagining it and nothing was in the darkness but me. Nothing but me. Only me...

"Aren't you pitiful." Lazily I looked at the speaker. Mel stood with her arms crossed close to her chest. "You look empty inside." I could see the smile form on her face in the darkness.

"What do you want?" My voice was rough and scratchy.

"Ooo, scary." She giggled. "I thought you may wanted to know what's happening back at home. It all started when I returned home. Mother and I had gone to the green house for tea and within twenty minutes. Mothers favorite servant comes, Rachelle, she says that you are missing. Then shortly after the child. Everyone started to look for you two. And Connor, the poor man, went mad. Next day to my surprise, the child was found bleeding from the gut."

"Shut up!" I screamed "Shut up!"

"And with you gone." She yelled over me. "Connor came to me to be embraced. These arms held him as he did me."

"I'll kill you!" I growled.

"Oh but the best part is. When those mutts took that child away. They sang a song so sad that not even the great cold Rachelle could not stop from crying as they built a fire to burn that child to the afterlife."

Shaking, I wanted to rid myself from these chains and rip her tongue out. "Get out!"

"But I'm not done." She reached her hand out and took hold of my hair. Pulling my head back," Tell me human. What hurts most? You losing everyone you love. Or that your father wants your blood." I spit on her. Next thing I knew she slapped me with the back of her hand. "I can't wait until I see your blood spill." She violently pulled my head back before leaving. Her heels echoed the room as I hear a door being closed.

My eyes glued to were my River once was. Alive and breathing. What hurts most? "Not being able to do anything."


I woke up to a bright light. I felt cold arms carry me in a long hallway. Lazily looking at the person, I sighed. "Crevan, what are you doing? Just kill me."

"Do you not wish to bath?" He said. I didn't care to answer as he turned into a room.

All I knew was that I was now in a bathroom. The first thing I was ready to do was use the toilet which was already too late because I was chained and no one could let me go. Crevan let me down as I reached over to grab the sink to help me up. My legs were shaking too much that Crevan helped me. Once siting on the toilet I moved my arm away from him.

The bath was already made filled with bubbles. Narrowing my eyes at it just unsettled me. "Please get undressed. Or do you wish for me to help?"

"I can do it." Really all I had was the torn shirt and my bra. Everything below, he took off and never gave me anything else. Taking the shirt off, I noticed him looking. It was uncomfortable. "Can you look away?"

"It doesn't matter to me. You will be needing my help getting in. Your legs are too weak."

"Then I'll jump in head first. Turn around." He did so. Taking the shirt off and the bra. I tried my best to stand to get in. Without knowing Crevan had turned around and picked me up and placed me into the tub." What are you doing?!"

"Giving you a bath." He said calmly. He grabbed a rag that was sitting in a little basket that was glued to the tile wall. There was shampoo and conditioner with a bottle of body wash.

"I can do it myself! Get out!" Splashing water on him. He glared at me before picking himself up and leaving. Sinking in the tub I couldn't remember the last time I had a bubble bath.


Once I was done in the bath I tried my best to get out. On the sink was a towel and a very long white nightgown. When I finished drying myself off. I put the nightgown on with nothing underneath. Only because I couldn't find my bra. He must have taken it. Wobbling to the door Crevan was standing there with his back to me and his hands behind him together. He slowly turned around with a smile. "You're finished."

"Yea. You know I thought you wanted me dead so why give me a bath?"

"Come. We shall have a meal together." He didn't listen to a damn thing I said.

"Hey! I'm not playing this game with you. Why are you not killing me?" I yelled.

Looking down on me. "I will but I thought it would be nice to have a meal."

"Nice? Nice? This is torture. Everything you have done to me from then and now. You want to play house before you kill me. You just better do it quickly before someone comes for me."

He put both his hands on my shoulder and slammed me into the wall. He leaned in and whispered something in my ear that made my body shiver. "That's what I'm hoping for. I had sent him an invitation to dinner tonight." Him? Connor?

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