Chapter 6 (Edited)

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It doesn't suprise me that there are werewolves, elves, vampires, or anything else supernatural in this world. Connor, the little bitch, ran off with my blood and he didn't even thank me. Not only that, but what was up with those girls back at the room?

"Are you alright, Miss Dawn?" I blinked a few times before quickly looking at my plate that a few minutes ago had a lovely sandwich on it. I realized, I can't stay here, with Connor gone this may be easy. I have to quickly return to my home.

"I'm fine, thank you," I answered her fast. "Are you done?" I asked eyeing up her sandwich. She took her last small bite out of it before slowly sliding her plate over to me.

"I'm glad you're hungry, but we cannot stay in the kitchen for long."

"Er... Right," getting up I took the sandwich with me. I followed her to where ever she was going.

 I looked around the long narrow hallway we were walking in. It was truly an amazing place but I don't belong here. I need to find a way out. There weren't really any windows and if I spotted one it was closed. A few maids passed us along the way, they would look at me like I was some kind of alien from another planet. As they passed us, they would whisper something and then laugh. Was I that funny looking to them? Well... they're funny looking to me but I don't see myself laughing at them.

"This way," Rachelle said as she turned around a corner. Walking quickly behind her, we stopped in front of the door. Before going in, she went over the rules.

"This is where you will be working. Lady Marika and her daughter Melantha stay here sometimes to drink tea. When they are here, you do as you are told. Do I make myself clear?" I nodded.

Walking in, I saw that this is a greenhouse. It was sunny in here, it felt nice to feel the Sun against my face. This greenhouse is huge. It has all types of different plants in here. We walked around for a little bit. She showed me around. This place is like a maze. Making a turn again and seeing another table filled with flowers, but suddenly Lady Rachelle paused what she was doing and bowed to somebody.

"Hello Rachelle," I heard Marika say. Rachelle didn't say anything but kept her head down.

"Rachelle," I heard someone say, I don't think I've heard this voice before. "Who were you talking to?" I found this to be my turn and walked out, thinking I'll say hi. But the moment I saw Marika and this other person I had no words. I shivered as I felt a familiar feeling. A feeling I couldn't understand. I felt like I knew her, she had the same dark blue eyes, chestnut hair, and fair skin, like the woman who I saw long ago. "You are?" She asked, quite rudely.

"Melantha, this is Connor's new pet, Dawn," Marika said, hint of distaste clear her voice.

Melantha took a sip of her drink and placed it gently on the round, glass table. She smiled at her mother, "I thought we were done with these childish games, mother," she quickly turned to me, eyeing me up and down. "You know, my brother isn't good at playing house."

"Hush Melantha, he needs to learn," Marika almost barked the words out.

"To learn what exactly? How to find a hole for his penis? I think we all know that he already found that," Melantha started to laugh. I looked over at Rachelle to see her reaction but as usual she showed no emotion. It's like this has happend multiple times before.

"Enough, Mel," Marika scolded her daughter as she slammed her cup on the table. I'm suprised that the glass didn't break. "I will not hear such words come out of your mouth, young lady."

Mel glared at her mother, but slowly softened, "forgive my rudeness. It won't happen again," she bowed her head.

"See to it then," her mother said as she got up. "Forgive me Rachelle, but I will have to retire for the day."

"Please, there is no need for you to apologize to me. I understand, the Sun can be a little hard on you," Rachelle had then turned to face Melantha, "young Miss, you must be tired as well, wouldn't you also like to retire?"

"No, I think I'll stay up a little longer," Mel glared at me, I felt unsafe with her. But I am in a house full of vampires so I guess nowhere is safe.

"Of course. Dawn, I believe this is where I leave you," wait, what? You're going to leave me with her?! "I will see you later," Yeah if I'm still alive by then.

Once Rachelle left, I felt pins and needles stabbing into me. "So, Dawn was it?"

"Yes," I forced the word out of my mouth.

"You're so plain, it's beyond me why my mother chose you. Do you wear glasses?" How does she know? "How far can you see?" She was enjoying this way too much. I don't like this. "Never mind, your hair is a mess. Come sit down, I'll brush it for you." Like hell you are.

"No, I'm alright," I said quickly. Distancing myself from her, I felt her eyes staring into my soul with every step I took. I like something was squeezing my heart. I tried to calm myself down but it was not working. I closed my eyes trying  to even out my breathing. It didn't work. Nothing is working.

"Please, I insist," I heard the chair move, followed by footsteps. I felt her fingers playing with my hair. "Such beautiful hair, long, blond and a little curly. Oh, what's this? You have some brown here," I quickly turned my head but she was faster and gripped a good chunk of my hair. 

She had a sadistic smile on her face, she pulled my head back. "You're hurting me," I cried out as I placed my hands on top of hers trying to remove her hands from my hair, but she pulled my head even further back, making me yelp in pain.

"Come, you can't look like this when my brother returns," she was dragging me to the chair. "Sit," she ordered. I obeyed, I'm already in enough pain might as well make it faster. 

She called someone to bring her a hair brush. She started to brush my hair, for a second she did a decent job. But moments later, she started tugging on my hair. "Look at this, you have a very big knot. It looks like I have to cut your hair," the moment she said that, two maids came closer to us and held me down as another one held my head up straight.

I tried to fight back. I heard the sound of my hair being cut. "No", I whispered as tears fell down my face. 

"Dawn," I heard my sister call out to me.

"I have to go," I patted Edea's head, I readjusted her necklace. "I gave you that charm, so you could be safe. You don't need me anymore."

"Don't say that, I'll always need you," laughing at her, I slapped her shoulder playfully.

"Stop talking that way."

"But it's true, mom doesn't need me. She doesn't even want me. What am I going to do without you... You're leaving me."

"No, I'll be back. I promise. Let's make a deal. I won't cut my hair until I see you again."

"No more boyish hair, deal, but when I will finally see you, that hair better be touching the floor," she joked.

"Until we meet again," the promise I kept for three years.

"Until we meet again," gone, all gone. I'm sorry.

"There," Melantha let out a small giggle as she walked around the table and sat down. "You look, like so much better," taking a sip of her tea she smiled. "You may leave now."

Almost shaking, I looked at my hair that was laying on the floor, laying on the floor, a maid started to clean it up. Holding the tears in, I glared at Connor's sister. She was smiling and she looked proud. I can't let her see that she hurt me. Edea forgive me, forgive me.

"No, I won't let you monsters take control of my life."

"Excuse me?" Melantha chuckled. Clearly amused.

"You heard me, I'm done playing around."

"You'll regret that."

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