Chapter 27

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When I woke I found myself in bed alone. Suddenly shocked, I lifted my shirt and ran my hand on my stomach to find that there was no hole. Sighing in relief I rolled over on to my stomach. What a funny dream, I thought, hugging a pillow.

No, I thought. Placing a hand on my stomach I felt a little pain. Looking around the room, I quickly got up. Feeling a little dizzy, I let my leg dangle off the bed before I let my toes hit the floor. Feeling a small amount pain, I got off the bed. Taking two steps, my legs gave out and collapsed under me.

"You're up already," not realizing that someone had came in.

"Rachelle," her eyes were cold and lips as straight as line. She had a tray in her hand. On the tray was a glass of water and food. She took the tray to the computer desk and come over to me. "Thank you," I said when she gave her hand to me. Helping me up, she put me back to bed.

"I'm surprised that you have enough energy to get out of bed," she whispered under her breath.

"What do you mean," I asked.

Turning away she walked over to the desk. "I heard Connor screaming from the other room and when I came to see what happened. You had giant hole in your stomach and drinking from the young master's wrist," she picked up the tray and brought it to me. "I never seen a human forceful take blood from a vampire. By the time you finished, you took too much of his blood that he passed out. I wouldn't be surprised his wounds will never heal."

"What do you mean?" I let her put the tray on the bed.

Raising an eyebrow, "You ripped his skin off, acting like a new born vamp who didn't yet grow her fangs."

"Oh my god, is he okay?" I started to panic.

"Oh he'll live, he is just feeding at the moment," she waved her hand. "So tell me Dawn, what are you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"No ordinary human can do what you did," she smiled. Looking at my food, maybe she was right. "No need to explain, I know your human," she said. Was I? Am I, no I know I am human. Shaking the thought away I took my fork and began to eat. She had given me eggs with green bell peppers and cheese. On the side was jelly toast, sausage logs with a cup of fruit. "We don't have orange juice, so water will have to do until we get some."

"No its fine," I said stuffing my face. "Um, do I get to have more?" I asked.

"Yes," she tried to hide her smile. Stuffing my face I felt like I haven't eaten in weeks.

"Ray, Ray," River's little voice sang when she opened the bedroom door. "Is she up?" she poked her head in. I smiled when I saw her face as she did the same. Slipping through the door she rushed over to me with flowers in her hand. "Got you some flowers, well I didn't, one of daddies friends did."

"Thank you," she extended her hands out to give me the flowers. She smiled from ear to ear as she did a little spin.

"So is mommy having a baby now," she almost yelled in excitement. My mouth almost dropped before Rachelle punched River in the head.

"You need to stay out of adult affairs," Rachelle commented.

"That hurt," River rubbed her head.

"Your fine. It's not like you're a human." Rachelle explained. Sometimes its hard to believe the things River says. Even though she is about four weeks old she looks like a four year old. And like Rachelle said before when she's ten weeks old she'll age slowly. Like a human.

Within a few moments I was done my mean and Rachelle was ready to leave to get more. "Where's Connor? Can I see him?"

"You both need your rest," she said taking the tray and leaving.

Disappointed, River jumped on the bed. "Do you like them?" River reached over my other side. She smiled at the colorful flowers now in her hands.

"I do."

"You want to know my favorite flower?" She moved some of the flowers around and pulled out a small one that was buried in the bouquet. It was a black flower. "It's called a black parrot tulip, it's what daddies friend said. Its harmless growing in the human world. But in the Netherworld it's rare and magical. It only grows in the forest by my village," she said.

"How are they magical?" I asked.

"Well they can grant you a wish. All you have to do is eat a petal and wish for it but it will only show in your dreams or someone else's. Like if you like someone and you want them to love you. They will dream about you and fall in love with you. And they will love you in reality. Or another example was if someone hated someone with could ask the flower to kill them. Its like making a dream into reality."

"Who told you tha?" I asked. Who in the right mind tells a three year old about stuff like killing? I was getting upset and I could see that it was effecting her. She was sad and confused. "I'm not mad," I smiled trying to lighten up the mood.

"I think his name was Crevan."

"Crevan, where is he?"

"Maybe still in the green house." Rushing myself, I tried to get up. River got up and put her hands up in the air. "Ray, Ray says you have to rest." Moving my legs to the edge of the bed River marched in place. Nervous she yelled, "I'll get him. So stay in bed." I nodded my head once I saw the tears forming in her eyes. She got me. With a little smile she ran out the door, leaving it opened. I settled myself back to bed. From the corner of my eye I saw River peeking from the doorway.

"I won't leave," I smiled. Giving me a serious face she nodded her head and left. Looking over to my right side were the flowers lied. I couldn't stop looking at the black tulip. I picked it up, "The wish shall be granted."

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