Chapter 10 (Edited)

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"One, two, three. Come on, count with me," I smiled as she started repeat back at me. I started to count on my fingers and she mimicked after me. I held my hand up to do a high five, she giggled as she tried to hit my hand.

"What are you two doing?" my mother asked me, as she walked through the front door with groceries in both hands.

"Counting, she's going to school soon. I thought we should start practising now,"  I got up to help, my mother, to empty out a bags.

"You're such a good girl," she smiled to me as she took a pan out of the cabinet.

I went back to the living room and I couldn't find Edea. She was gone. ''Where is she?" I panicked. 

"Where is who?" 

"Edea, where is she?" I repeated myself again.

"I don't believe I know an Edea." 

What was she talking about? How could she forget? I looked into all of the rooms in the apartment, but there wasn't not even one trace of her.  The last room I went to check was our room.

The moment I touched the door handle, I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked.

"Edea, are you in there? Open up, please. I'm here," I heard soft cries come from the other side, followed by a bang. "Edea! Edea! Open up," I yelled. I forced every muscle in my body against that door but it wouldn't move. "Edea!" I cried. Banging my fist on the door, smoke came out under the door. "Edea!" I screamed.

"What are you doing Dawn?" Mother said as she touched my right shoulder. "Are you not feeling well? Would you like something to eat?" she gave me an ear-to-ear smile.

"How can you say that? Edea is going to die," she looked at the door confused.

"Dawn, there is nothing behind this wall." What? I quickly looked back at the door, but it was gone. Shaking my head, I couldn't believe it.

"It was right here," I'm so confused. What is going on? This has to be a dream. Mom walked me to the kitchen and placed me on a stool by the counter.

It was then I heard the soft cries of an infant. Edea? No, it wasn't her. Who is it? I know those cries. River, it was River. "Dawn," my mother sang facing the stove, when she turned a knife was in her hand. What is this? "My sweet girl, you know mommy loves you right?"  What's wrong with her? "You're such a good girl," she said as she tried to cut me.

Falling out of my seat, I rushed to the front door. Mom walked around the counter and started walking my way. "You're not my mom, she would never do this!" 

"Oh, but I am baby girl. Let mommy love you," she said sweetly. "Let mommy stab you," her voice became cruel. "Let mommy kill you," she said with a deep, inhumane voice.

"You're not her, stay away!" I heard River's cries and I ran to the other side of the room. This is a dream, it has to be a dream. It has to be.

"I won't let you go, I will never let you leave me. Now be a good girl and come to mommy," she laughed evilly.

Wake up, wake up. And like a speed of lightening, the monster came at me. She rose the knife in the air, ready to stab me.


"No!" I yelled as I woke up, my heart was beating so fast. River cried, making me realise that I was back in reality. I got out of the bed to rock River back to sleep. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was truly alone.

That was odd, I have never dreamt about my mother killing me before. And Edea, when I heard about her rumored death, I was told that it may have been the work of my mother. She committed suicide just a couple hours later when my sister went missing. From what my aunt told the police, my mother wanted to see her.

The police stopped looking after two months e se there weren't any without any new evidence. With my mother out of the picture, we couldn't find Edea. I was left with unanswered questions, forced to push myself away from my family. I was the only one who understood her, the only one who protected her when she needed someone. The only one who truly loved her.

Now River may face the same fate. Unwanted, unprotected, and no love, no one to care for her. I know I'm here. I'm here right now but what if I go missing? What if I'll leave her like I left Edea? Would she experience the same ending as her? I placed River back in the bed. I won't let that happen again.


Night became day, and the vampires went to bed. I watched Connor strip down, leaving on only his boxers. Last night Connor told me that he would leave again soon and won't be back for two weeks. If he's lucky, a week. I haven't seen Rachelle, maybe that was because I had been hiding in Connor's room. I have Connor bringing me food up. I always say, "you're such a good dog," and he gets angry. His reply is that he didn't want to find another dead body in his room.

I guess I have been hiding myself in his room. I can tell he wants me and River out of his room. Just this morning- or night, he said he was tired of the dirty diaper smell in his room. Not only did he not like that, when I cleaned up his room, he said that his dirty sticky magazines had gone missing. He doesn't need to know that I threw them away.

Once Connor was asleep, I poked him. I realized that once the sun sets at six. Connor sleeps like the dead. He becomes cold and lifeless. I could jump on him and he wouldn't know. I could even rape him and he wouldn't even feel a thing.

I have been here for about two weeks now and it has been almost three days since Connor last touched me. It's not like I want him to. It's just that, he doesn't seem like himself. I have also realised that he is not eating. It's almost like he forgets. And to tell the truth I don't want to feed him, only because of what happened last time. Who would watch over River when I'm recovering? It pains me to see him like this.

For the past three days, he has just been sitting behing his desk and working. Every now and then, he would look up or play with River. Connor tells me that I shouldn't pick her up all the time and that it's good to let her cry. But it's so painful to look at and hear it. So I will pick her up anyways. He just shaked his head in disbelief.

Smiling and poking Connor is somewhat fun, when River is sleeping. Sometimes I like to put a paper clip up his nose, not far, just enough that it will stay in. Yesterday, I got a black marker and wrote on his back saying, 'I like big butts' and the best thing is, he can't see it in the mirror. Sometimes I lift his shirt or the blankets up, just to see his six-pack. I'm not a pervert or anything. Sometimes, I want to sit on him and when he wakes up... well, you know where it's going.

Ever since that night, I have a strange and unusual feeling. Something I never felt with any guy. I want to be touched. Touched and eaten by this man. I don't like his kind, I hate them. I hate their red eyes, their fangs and their hot bodies. Forget the last one, but his kind was my enemy. They wanted my sister, and do unspeakable things to her. They didn't care about age, they just wanted her body and they had me instead. I think they knew they would have her sooner or later, they just wanted a toy to play with, and I was perfect for the role.

Maybe it's for the best if I stay away from Connor. I think that me being here will hurt him after what happened to the others. I wonder, what exactly did happen. Connor said he killed them, but the way he treats River I refuse to believe that. I hate to say this, but maybe I should talk to Rachelle and see what she thinks about all of this.

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