Chapter 6

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Screw waiting. I'm not waiting for any comments, even though no one probably reads this anyway... also, sorry I couldn't find a better version of "all of me"

Gajeel's POV
After we leave we head back. We both agreed that we would suprise one another with what outfits we're wearing when we get on stage. I look at my phone to see a text from Shrimp.

Shrimp: Help! They got it out of me! Lucy stole my phone and read my texts! I'm so screwed...

Me: Well, I guess u should just let them help u get ready then

Shrimp: Only if u let the boys help u. Also, I'm gonna to wear a dress, so don't be to suprised when I walk on stage

Me: Yeah yeah... bue, i gotta get ready, I'll c u there. The show is in an hour.

Shrimp: Oh! That's right! C u there!

I wonder if I should wear a tux. Naw. She's gonna wear one of her casual dresses. I'll wear something that is kinda fancy, but not to fancy. Shit. I've gotta let the guys help me... I think, remembering Levy's deal.

Levy's POV
"Oh my Mavis Levy! You look so cute in that!" Yukino squeals. Erza looks at me, approving my outfit. I'm wearing a short raven black dress, with black heels and a black headband. They've put my hair into a bun, letting some strands of hair fall in the front. I looked into the mirror. I look great! He'll be so suprised to see me in this! I bet he thinks I'm gonna wear my orange dress... I think.

Gajeel's POV
I knock on Natsu and my door. We share a room in this house. "Come in!" I hear Grey yell. I walk on to see all of the boys sitting on Natsu's bed. I sit on my bed. "I got a text from Yukino saying that you need help getting ready for a show with Levy." Rouge says. I glare at them all. "Idiots." I grumble.

After they're done helping me get ready, I look in the mirror. I don't look to bad. I'm wearing a black short sleeved shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, and a black bandana. I look like a gothic hippie. I think, taking off the bandana. I look at the time. I see it's 7:30. Levy and my show doesn't start till 7:45. I see a note on bed saying that they'll meet me there.

Levy's POV
I walk behind stage and look towards my friends who are back there with me. "I'm nervous. What if I don't sing well. What if I get laughed off the stage?" I ask worriedly. "It'll be fine. Also, you're on! Get out there! We'll all be in the front row watching!" Lucy says. As they all walk off, Juvia stays. "Juvia wants to thank you Levy." I give her a confused look.

"Juvia hasn't seen Gajeel this happy in years. You've done something good to make him smile the way he did when Juvia talked to him earlier." She says. I blush. "Well, good luck!" She says. As I walk out, I see Gajeel come from the other side of the stage. He looks do handsome! I think. He really does. I see him staring at me, along with some of the other guys in the auditorium.

Gajeel's POV
I walk on stage when I see Levy enter as well. She's wearing black. All black. She looks really good in black. I think. They dragged a bench onto the stage. We both sit on the bench. I start to play the song. (Start song here of you haven't already)

After the song is over, Shrimp takes my hand. As everyone claps, we stared into one another's eyes. After a bit, she sighed, letting out the breath she'd held. Then, we both lean in, our faces inches apart. I close the gap between us and kiss her. I don't know what came over me.

Levy's POV
As the song ended, I grabbed Gajeel's hand and took him towards the front of the stage. We stared onto each others eyes and I let out the breath I was holding. We both lean in, our faces inches apart, noses touching. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, Gajeel closed the gap and kissed me. Oh my Mavis! He just kissed me! Gajeel Redfox kissed me! I kiss his back, much to his suprise.

Gajeel's POV
She just kissed me back. Oh. My. Fucking. Mavis. Levy McGarden kissed me back. I felt so good right then. I felt like this was just a dream, even though I knew it wasn't.

We both pulled away to see our friends all looking more shocked then when we were singing in the park. I looked into Shrimp's eyes again. "I love you Shrimp." I said. "I love you too Gajeel." She said. Oh. My. Mavis. I thought.

Levy's POV
"I love you Shrimp." Gajeel said. I blushed. Did he say he loves me? In front of the entire school, and out parents? (Sorry, I forgot to mention that their parents came to see them perform. Hah.) I look over to see my mom talking to a man with raven black hair, like Gajeel's. He even looked like Gajeel too...

"Oh! Levy! You did a great job! My little frost flower is all grown up!" (I'm sorta referencing my fic "Two Eyes, Two Dragons") I looked over at Gajeel. The man mom was just talking to saw him too. "Hey! You did a great job out there Gajeel!" He says. "Oh! Levy! I guess I should introduce this man to you. This is Metelicana." She says. Gajeel looks at me.

Gajeel's POV
I look over at Shrimp. She looks kinda scared of my old man. "Gajeel! I guess I should introduce you to this lady as well. This is Irene." He says. "Wait, Metelicana? As in Metelicana Redfox?" She asks. She goes pale in the face. "Wait, if your name is Irene, you wouldn't happen to be Irene McGarden, would you?" I ask, going pale myself.

Oh Mavis. I have so much planned for this next chapter. Stay tuned for some flashbacks in this next chapter!

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